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Loadout for Sanguinary Priest


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Mine is podding in with Sternguard, so I've given him an auspex to help them blast things and a Grav pistol to help him blast things smile.png

Might as well drop one or the other, as you can't use both at the same time. I'd keep the Auspex, personnaly.

A foot slogger build maybe as cheap as poss, wondering if with auspex he'd be good with DEVS giving them FNP maybe a hand flamer to help when anyone assaults

That would be a big investment for little return, really. The auspex will most likely be out of range, and while FnP is awesome, you'd get more mileage out of adding more bodies to the unit than to adding a priest.

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I don't think the new model lends itself well to a jump pack. I kitbashed a jump one ages ago, this guy:




It's odd that the best way to use Priests seems to be with jump pack or bike and the new kit isn't suited to either... But I like the model anyway so want to do something with it... Option seems divided on the best weapon so I have an idea...



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I gave the new priest a SanguinaryvGuard jump pack just fine.

It's not that it doesn't fit - it does, it's just that the pose doesn't say jump troop to me - plus I already have one (see above) so I wanted to build this one as a foot slogger so I have a choice depending on my list. I need to decide how I'm going to use him and therefore what to give him - or magnetise his arm and a few weapons which is what I think I'll do.

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I gave the new priest a SanguinaryvGuard jump pack just fine.

It's not that it doesn't fit - it does, it's just that the pose doesn't say jump troop to me - plus I already have one (see above) so I wanted to build this one as a foot slogger so I have a choice depending on my list. I need to decide how I'm going to use him and therefore what to give him - or magnetise his arm and a few weapons which is what I think I'll do.


You are correct, its not the best pose for a jumper.  I also have the old metal Sanguinary Priest from 5th edition with a jump pack and one of the FW apothecaries with a jump pack.

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Yeah I think it would just be better to buy some command squad apothecary bits off ebay and convert a normal assault marine to a Sanguinary Priest instead of put a Jump Pack on the new Sanguinary Priest model. The pose to me lends itself to the priest being in a ranged squad of marines, like Sternguard or Tactical Marines than jumping around in a robe that'll catch on fire from the Jump Pack flames >.<

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I don't think the new model lends itself well to a jump pack. I kitbashed a jump one ages ago, this guy:




It's odd that the best way to use Priests seems to be with jump pack or bike and the new kit isn't suited to either... But I like the model anyway so want to do something with it... Option seems divided on the best weapon so I have an idea...




Wow. Your kit-bashed Sanguinary priest is better than the ones GW makes. I'd take your's over either of the two they've made recently. Your's is also a better Corbulo too! Grats man. Can you share the secret of that kit-bash? Its pro!

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I don't think the new model lends itself well to a jump pack. I kitbashed a jump one ages ago, this guy:http://www.themightybrush.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Blood-Angels-Sanguinary-Priest-05.jpg

It's odd that the best way to use Priests seems to be with jump pack or bike and the new kit isn't suited to either... But I like the model anyway so want to do something with it... Option seems divided on the best weapon so I have an idea...


Oh wow, I'll buy it! Great job man.


I've found the only great use is with SangGuard. Unexpectedly I'm now running two jump librarians for my HQ, I didn't take one last end at all.


I suppose an auspex and axe priest in a podded stern guard squad could be OK.

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Interesting ideas here, thanks for the comments!


The idea for the kitbash came from SinCain who has a blog here – full of awesome conversions and paint work.


The bits are:

- Legs / lower cloak & hooded helm - Dark Angels Veterans kit

- Left arm - Command Squad kit

- Torso / right arm / chainsword - Death Company kit

- Shoulder pads / jump pack / wings - Sanguinary Guard kit

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I agree man .. the pose has more of a planted look.. it doesn't look as fluid. Not that it isn't an awesome model .. though the price is a bit steep 8( ... 


I got the new codex for Christmas from my wife so I'm thinking about what I want to make up. I build the SP but added a DA hood'd head. I'll probably be working on that pretty soon. Well he's built but needs to be painted up 8) 

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Model-wise can you put a jump pack on the new SP? Or do you have to find an old one?


The classic jump packs don't fit well, but the Sanguinary Guard ones fit perfectly. So well you'd think this was done on purpose (if you don't mind the fact that the "vent" part of the jump pack will be hidden by the collar). I posted some pictures of my Sanguinary Priest earlier : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/300271-post-blood-angel-special-character-conversions/?p=3910130

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Jump Pack

Bolt Pistol

Valour's Edge

Veritas Vitae

Angel's Wing


With his 8 golden armoured pals and their big boss.


So wait. The codex says that you replace "one weapon" with a relic off the list. If you are replacing your chainsword with valour's edge, and then equipping a bolt pistol, wouldn't the Angel's wing replace the bolt pistol? I am basing this off the fact that jump packs are specifically labeled as wargear, not weapons and only the crown and veritas exclusively state they do not replace one of the character's weapons.

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So wait. The codex says that you replace "one weapon" with a relic off the list. If you are replacing your chainsword with valour's edge, and then equipping a bolt pistol, wouldn't the Angel's wing replace the bolt pistol? I am basing this off the fact that jump packs are specifically labeled as wargear, not weapons and only the crown and veritas exclusively state they do not replace one of the character's weapons.

the Angel's Wing also has a superscript 6 next to it, meaning it doesn't replace one of the character's weapons either...
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So wait. The codex says that you replace "one weapon" with a relic off the list. If you are replacing your chainsword with valour's edge, and then equipping a bolt pistol, wouldn't the Angel's wing replace the bolt pistol? I am basing this off the fact that jump packs are specifically labeled as wargear, not weapons and only the crown and veritas exclusively state they do not replace one of the character's weapons.

the Angel's Wing also has a superscript 6 next to it, meaning it doesn't replace one of the character's weapons either...



After looking at it closer (magnifying glass), I think I got a bum copy. There is some very light smudging which could have been a printed character. So it doesn't look like a 6 is there in my book.

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So wait. The codex says that you replace "one weapon" with a relic off the list. If you are replacing your chainsword with valour's edge, and then equipping a bolt pistol, wouldn't the Angel's wing replace the bolt pistol? I am basing this off the fact that jump packs are specifically labeled as wargear, not weapons and only the crown and veritas exclusively state they do not replace one of the character's weapons.

the Angel's Wing also has a superscript 6 next to it, meaning it doesn't replace one of the character's weapons either...



After looking at it closer (magnifying glass), I think I got a bum copy. There is some very light smudging which could have been a printed character. So it doesn't look like a 6 is there in my book.



I think it's either near the back of the book or I possibly remember someone saying it was in the digital version but not the print?

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