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Close combat question


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Just a quick question on CC,


I had a grey hunter pack charge a tech marine and my opponent chose to attack my power axe guy.


Question is, do you get to choose which model in a unit you are doing your CC attacks against? I thought wounds were just allocated to Models in base contact and if more than one in contact I should choose.


And the guy with the axe was just a regular marine not a character or a squad sergeant/ wolf guard.



Don't have my rule book handy so thanks for the help in advance.

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No he doesn't.  Unless a model has the precision strike special rule* (and rolls 6s to hit), any wounds he caused are allocated to the unit, not individual models.


However, if the Techmarine was only in base-to-base with your GH with Power Axe, then you would have to allocate any wounds caused to that model first, as you have to allocate to models in base-to-base with an enemy model attacking at the specified initiative step (if possible), before allocating to models outside of base-to-base (going from the closest model to the attacker outwards).


As you charged, this shouldn't have happened, as you would have been obliged to place any model that could reach base-to-base (thanks to charge distance) in base-to-base.  Now, if the Techmarine was on his own, then those models would be in base to base with him, in which case you could allocate the wounds to any one of those in base-to-base.


*which a Techmarine does not have.

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Hah I thought that was the case, My axe was in base contact but so was one or two of the other guys, so I wouldnt have chosen to allocate the wound to him.... ah well, he killed the tech marine before he died anyway so he had a glorious death tongue.png Russ would be proud!

Thanks for the reply!

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