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A small batrep with the new BA Stormraven Batrep w/pics


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Hi guys,


I wasn't sure if I should post this, but some people might be interested in this batrep I just posted. Basically it's pictured from my point of view, but one of the players in the battle took the new formation with 3 Stormravens.


It was insanely good.... with ObSec and the ability to assault after deep strike it was living up the nickname I gave it: Red-Bomb. 


Red-Bomb had a goal in our game, but just in case you guys want to read it, this was the lead in for the battle report:


Corbulo fought beyond the exhaustion pummeling Ork after Ork. His escape from the Ork stronghold was not the goal. Instead it was to slay every green bastard he could lay his bare hands on. The Orks had made a mistake. They thought the battle over, and it was now time to collect their dead, and re-assemble them, or whatever it is Orks do....


Corbulo found himself locked in a mining complex that acted as a sanctuary from the electric, acid storms on the mining moon. The Orks did not foresee that this Mining Complex could act as a beacon to any imperial forces in the sector.


One hundred and thirty seven Orks lay mutilated in that complex. They more they sent, the more Corbulo slayed. Exhausted and in dire need of recouperation, Corbulo managed to activate the Mining Complex emergency gates. Power hummed, and the complex came to life. Energy belts surrounded the complex making travel in or out of the complex nearly impossible.


While this allowed Corbulo the time to send a distress signal, it also trapped him in the compound. Killers and would be saviors alike could walk into the complex, however deep striking would be impossible due to the energy field.


Within 72 hours, Corbulo's beacon was answered. 


An assembled force of Ultramarines, Blood Angels and Space Wolves would have to mass together in orbit and come up with a hasty plan as Corbulo's time was limited to how long it would take the Orks to realize what had happened. Already topgraphical scans and energy emissions were showing the activation of several large, lumbering Ork warmachines capable of leveling cities. There would be no surprising the Orks this time.


Ultramarines tried to draw up a plan, but it became clear that the Blood Angels wanted to be the ones to breach the Complex. This suited Tigurius fine, as the details of the plan required taking back certain strong points and the Ultramarines were well suited to the task. Space Wolves couldn't let the Blood Angels have all the glory. Although strong headed, the Ultramarines were impressed with their tactical acuity, willing to take on whatever task needed to be handled.... with the utmost aggression of course. 


Shortly after it seemed like the Marines had amassed their forces, Belial of the Dark Angels answered the call. Some of the first company were able to react to the distress call. Without hesitation, Belial assembled some of the finest warriors of the First and was ready to teleport into the heart of the beast.


Knights were also present, and they would be key in stopping the warmachines if the combined marine forces were to have any chance of breaching the compound before the Orks.


Forty-seven minutes after adjourning the strategy meeting, the Ultramarines had a tactical air plan drawn up and already under execution. In another thirteen minutes, the ash grey skies of the mining moon were littered with strategically placed aircraft, and drop pods. The Hunt for Corbulo was underway....




There are some pictures of the formation in action. Sorry no close ups.. just so much was going on. If you're interested, here it is: LINK

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