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Hi everyone


Hope this is in the right section.


I've been looking to purchase a new cool big gun/toy for my 40k imperial fists. I have my eye on the forgeworld Fellblade which looks really bad ass and got the huge firepower I'm looking for.


Is this the best option or is there something better out there? I don't know much about forgeworld models and super heavies so some opinions welcome please.



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The typhon siege tank has a huge cannon but that's it really. You can add some side sponsons to help but that's up 400 points then.

Where as the fellblade has 2 large guns and 4 TL lascannons plus HB. Much more fire power and 6 extra hp for about 140 points more.

540 points is a big points sink I suppose but it looks like its worth it. Still got 960 points to play with.

Back it up with a couple of predator tanks with HB and AC on each flank and plenty of points left for tact squads and rhinos.

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The Fellblade chassis is a lot larger than the typhon. The typhon is essentially a vindicator on steriods, you get one really nasty pie plate dispenser. The Fellblade is more of a classic super heavy in that it's got a lot of fire power over several guns. Both the Fellblade and the Typhon have 40k rules, found in Imperial armor vol 2, second edition, while variants like the glaive or falchion are only found for HH, which is something you need to keep in mind.

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If you want something a little different you could always try and make one of these




its uses the standard Baneblade kit with extras from Blood and Skulls industries. I also have the datacard for it somewhere.


If your up for it (it is a big project), but I do have my step to step progress here.


Best of luck!

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Man, I gotta say I've been trying to rationalize the Typhon in my Blood Angels for quite a while.  Sure its just one big gun, but its a BIG gun.  Plus the armor 14 all around (as opposed to Fellblade's rear 12) is a very tough nut to crack.  I actually think at its points cost, its a beast.

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In a Cities Of Death board with lots of Ruins even the weakest Units are going to find lots of 4+ Cover from the Fellblade though.


The Typhon doesn't care.

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Aye, the Typhon Dishes out 10" Pieplates of :Cuss you all over. But they're S10.


The Fellblade can dish out D shots which can either do nothing or obliterate everything; but they'll still get a cover save.



...If only you could take the Glaive. Mmmmmm Volkite.

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Fellblade is one nasty piece of work when it's on the opposite side of the table... especially as one can make it immune to melta (no +d6 at half range) which has been the go to answer by default when it comes to big things made out of metal.

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Aye, the Typhon Dishes out 10" Pieplates of :censored: you all over. But they're S10.


The Fellblade can dish out D shots which can either do nothing or obliterate everything; but they'll still get a cover save.


No, that'd be the Falchion. The Fellblade's main cannon is actually less powerfull than the Dreadhammer of the Typhon (but has a clear range advantage)

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The Glaive is technically more reliable since it causes D3 S8 Ap2 Deflagrate and Haywire hits to any super heavy it hits.


Anything below that is only a single S8 Ap2 Deflagrate Haywire hit under a 45" long 1" wide beam.

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