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Blood Angel Artificer armor


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On the matter of that tac squad sarge and arty armour; he is clearly wearing AA or just a unique ornate PA in the box photographs, but there is no such chest piece on the sprues.

Looking at the pics of the sprues on the GW site it's in the top right corner of the third sprue.

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On the matter of that tac squad sarge and arty armour; he is clearly wearing AA or just a unique ornate PA in the box photographs, but there is no such chest piece on the sprues.

It's there. It's even listed in the description. 

Anyways, that armor is counted as regular Power Armor for him, so we can use that and Calgar to see that Artificer Armor and Power Armor can go both ways when it comes to looks. Calgar's Artificer Armor looks like regular Power Armor and the Tac Sgt's Power Armor looks like Artificer Armor.

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There was a time when some tournaments wouldn't let you use the classic BA Captain model as nipple armour was deemed to be Artificer Armour... :facepalm smiley:


Personally, I paint all Artificer Armour (and thus, my Captains) in gold. GW are currently using red for them. It's all personal taste really :)

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