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Sanguinary Guard


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So I played my first game with the new codex.


2500 points vs grey knights.


I ran

storm raven

Storm eagle

Fast vindicator

5 man assault squad with 2 melta and infernus

10 man tac squad, vet with power sword, grav gun and rocket with flakk

10 man tac squad, vet with power sword, melta gun, rocket with flakk

2 rhinos

6 sternguard with combi grav

drop pod

6 vanguard, 2 pairs of claws, a mace, an axe, storm shield and 4 grav pistols

9 sanguinary guard, banner, 2 axes, 1 infernus pistol

Level 2 librarian

Priest with pack, pistol, valours edge and a melta bomb




His army had a heck of a Lot of terminators, a dread knight, purifiers, land raider, a huge ten man paladin squad with all kinds of upgrades, a grand master and draigo.



We played maelstrom of war and by end of game I had 16 vp to his 3... A big part of that was dumb luck of the draw, but the reason I made this post was to talk about sanguinary guard...



They ROCK, I know most people are in love with death company, but I've been advocating the guard on here since the codex dropped.


Running them with the priest and Dante meant that my unit was able to attack his uber paladin squad... and only take 3 casualties.


Enemies with AP2 weapons are obviously a problem, but placement and picking fights makes all the difference. Most kill units don't actually have much ap2 melee, so as the unit was 2+ with fnp it meant they were shrugging off melee attacks really well, the priest being ap2, and weight of attacks meant they were doing good damage back. Had it been death company, the paladins falchions and halberds would have killed a lot of Death company...

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I agree, SG are awesome! Plus those models are so sweet! I think they're best with Dante, a SP, and a Libby. I actually run a 10 man squad with those 3 characters in my 2k point list. The unfortunate bit is, in 3 of the 4 games I've played with the new codex so far the squad was pretty much on mop-up duty due to my podded tacs/ melta RAS killing pretty much all the enemy first biggrin.png. To be fair, 2 of those games were against a guard army that ran lots of squishy guard blobs and 3 russes, meaning my meltas and flamers had lots of targets to choose from and none of their shooting was wasted. The only game my SG actually got into a proper fight was against a 10 man Lychguard blob with Immotech, Zandrech and Oberyn (I'm pretty sure I spelt all those names wrong tongue.png). The SG killed all of them in 1 round without losing a single guy! Dante certainly helped a lot, taking out 4 single handedly (he had quickening). I think using DC and SG is a great combo, combining lots of attacks from the DC with lots of power weapons from the SG. That gives a lot of versatility as to who charges who, and lets you pick the optimum combats for your guys.

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Yeah I'd initially planned to run the libby with them, but didn't have a pack libby built. I rolled blood lance and unleash rage for him which wasn't over useful with the sternguard I'd had him with.


I'm also totally converted to grav weapons now... sternguard with combi grav dropping down near the dread knight equalled a dead knight. Which was handy as an opening move!

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