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Frostmourne's Blood Angels. 2015, the year of the Angel.


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Happy New Year to all and sundry. 

After a very good haul over Xmas, and some New Year treats to myself, i have found myself with quite a large starting force of Blood Angels. 




This contains, a set of Deathstorm figures, 2 Tatical Squads, 1 more box of Death Company, a Razorback, a Baal Predator and another Blood Angels Dreadnought. 

There is also a Sanguinary Priest missing from the photo. 

So today begins my adventure into Blood Angels, im going for a completed Look, so i will be using Company Markings and Squad Markings and all the rest of it. 

The plan is for this to be enveloped into a Pre Heresy Force at a later date, and used as one part of one of their companies. With things like DC, the Dreads and the like just there for fun. 

So, community, i am planning on building a fairly point sink heavy DC 10 man Jump Unit, any ideas?

Also, what should i build my dreads into, i am thinking one DC one, and maybe one Frag Canon one, both in Drop Pods at later dates. 

Also any ideas on a decent HQ, i am thinking Captain in power armour to start, and try and base him on Raldoran? Any thoughts?

Have a good one. 

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Fragiso dreads are really good when podded, IMO furisos are better than DC dreads in general. For an hq, it depends what you want. Dante is an epic beatstick with his ap 2 at intit 7, and when you cast The Quickening (primaris) on him and a sang priest in the squad, you have up to 9 ws 7 str 7 init 10 ap 2 attacks, which will kill pretty much anything. Sang priests and libbys are the best choices in the HQ slot IMO, but Librarian dreads are also great at dealing with MCs and even captains can be decently killy in smaller games. A 10 man DC is a great idea, magnetise them so you can switch between jump packs and footslogging. They work well in a drop pod, jumping across the board or (depending on your local meta) in a land raider. In terms of characters, Meph could do well in there if they pod, but I prefer them without any characters. Sang guard are also a unit to consider, they're very killy and work great with Dante, who can kill any TEQs that could threaten the squad with fists/thunder hammers/other ap 2 stuff before they get to hit, due to ap 2 at initiative. I like a 10 man SG squad with Dante, a libby and a priest. In terms of loadout for DC, that depends what role you want them to fill. If you want them to shred light infantry, boltguns or CS/BP is very effective. If you want to kill heavy infantry, like MEQ, 2 power swords and a fist is pretty good. If you just want a general combat unit, you can't go wrong with 2 fists and 2 swords. As for the tac squads, you should seriously consider getting pods for them. Podded tacs with heavy flamer, flamer and hand flamer=lots of dead infantry. Also, 5 man melta suicide squads in pods are AWESOME! There are plenty of threads discussing these guys, so just have a browse. Sorry for a large wall of text, I just wanted to share some basic stuff before you start assembling smile.png.

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No man thanks i massively appreciate it!

I dont think i will be using Dante just yet, id like to put some more of me in the list rather than him. But he is 50 shades of epic. 

In terms of Drop Podding my Tacticals (Which i do want to use, because the models are sick and it feel more marine'y), if they are Podded, it means very little on the board in the back. It just un nerves me is all.. Although podding my Tacticals means a distraction from the Fast Baal, the 10 man DC unit jumping up and other bits and bobs. And locators for Turn two i guess.. 

Hmm... interesting.. 

And yeah 5 man Asault Melta Squads in Pods is awesome, I used it in a Salamanders army about a year ago and loved it. Always was funny even if it didnt work haha. 

Libby HQ Dread.. i have wanted somene to say its worth it, just because it looks so sick.. 

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In my current 2k point list (I frequently change bits of it around, but the basic idea stays the same), I start with an eight man SG squad with Dante, a Libby and a Sang priest, a dakka pred (HB sposons and autocannon turret), a vindicator and a baal pred on the board. In reserve I have 20 podded tacs with HF, flamer and hand flamer and a power sword in each squad, and 3 5 man assault squads in pods with 2x melta and 2 infernus pistols on the sarge. My meltas come down turn 1 and kill important vehicles, and turn 2 my tacs come down and burn infantry. My opponents usually spends turn 1 shooting at assaults and t2 shooting at any remaining assaults and my tacs. This keeps my important guys getting shot to pieces and also deals a huge amount of damage to the enemy. I deploy all my vehicles in a line and put my SG squad behind them to block LOS. If I have first turn, I generally don't lose any of my guys who start on the board, and if my opponent goes first I might lose a vehicle or two, but that's no biggie. By turn 2, the enemy is surrounded, outnumbered and all his dangerous units are dead, leaving me to mop up anyone left with my tacs, Sang Guard and vehicles. I haven't lost a game with this strategy yet, although I'm playing my friends, not uber competitive tournie lists tongue.png. I recommend you take a rhino or two if you have spare FA slots and use them as a wall to block your DC from your enemy's LOS. A podded libby dread is awesome, provided it survives. You can cast The Quickening on it to give it a ton of str 10 ap 2 high init attacks which will ruin a MCs day! If you don't want to use Dante, a valour's edge captain can be a nice little beatstick to hang around with your DC and deal with tough targets like termis.

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Yes, a Valours Edge Captain is very much in the forefront of my mine, i am loving that idea. With a few more toys. 

Yeah i like that idea, and im the same I only every play locals and friends so not exactly tournament winning armies, although the general standard of play is quite high. 

Well i am going to build a Libby Dread then, and see how far that gets me. Looks like i need to buy like 6 drop pods haha. 

Progress report, Terminators and Karlaen are built. Im using Grey Knight helmets for the Terms though as i dont like the Hockey Mask Vanilla ones. 

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Aye thats pretty much what i was thinking i would give him, maybe with the xtra WT Relic too. 

Also what are people giving their Tactical Sargents, i am thinking of making them a Pod Flamer delivery system, so Gunslinging Hand Flamers could be amazing, but doesnt exactly look as epic as a power Sword. Any thoughts? 

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Hehe yeah good call. Iv gone with that, but iv also magnetised the Power Sword in place of another Hand Flamer, incase i am fighting something like Nids or Orks in my local campaign and :cuss just absolutely has to burn. 

Libby Dread and the Sanguinary Priest are now built, moving onto the second Tactical Squad. 

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No me either, i gave him, not that you can see, a Paladin Helmet. And i gave my Sanguinary Priest a GK Helmet too, just makes them fit in to my "Knights of Baal" thing a bit more. 

Ok, so i have
Libby Dread
Captain Karlean
5 Shooty Termies.
2 10 Man Tacticals
10 DC with various loadouts
DC Dread
Baal Pred
Razorback with T.L Las. 

What next?

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