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The Golden Sons.


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Hello brother, welcome to 2015 and my new army project for this year. Considering how slowly I paint I should hopefully have an army done by the time 2016 rolls around tongue.png

Anyways, this is my "DIY" chapter, the Golden Sons. The name exists in 40ks fluff but only in name and the fact that they have been destroyed (but no info on how or why), which leaves me a lot of open space to created my own stuff. So far Ive only writte am overwiev about their last stand, which still needs to be touched up. So instead, Im bringing you a picture of the first marine I painted, tell me what you think. C&C are of course very welcome.



Battle brother of the 3rd squad, tactical, 5th Company.

One thing I know for sure is I want the angelic theme going about them and they use a different organization from that of their parent chapter. Rather than 10 companies, the Golden Sons have 8 companies with their own veterans and recruits, each company of a 125 men (roughly, not counting veterans and recruits). Which means there is no 1st company and 1st captain, instead a new chapter master is chosen by his predecessor. This I believe leaves to a better flexibility of the companies (who fight mostly independent of eachother) and ads some character to each company: some prefer armoured assault, or drop troops, or tactical flexibility or even terminator assault.

Anyways, what do you think?

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Looking good brother! I really like the face and freehand on the left shoulder pad. Please give us some of the chapters' backstory (if you've written any up). I would be interested to hear why they were assumed to be destroyed. The only problem I can find is the organisational structure. It's far too logical for the Imperium tongue.png

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Dont worry Olis, I will do that :P Im still working on it, I have almost finished the "short story" that explains their last stand, lets say it involved nuclear war and a raiding chaos warband.


The main problem Im having is their chapter badge! I have some ideas but I cant seem to find one I like:


- A blue trident, dont know why I just thought it might look good.

- Winged blood drop, like the BA, but in another colour.

- A flaming blood drop (this idea I like).

- A two-tailed flaiming skull (kind of like Sigmars meteor in WHFB)

- A burning chalice.

- A haloed blood drop.

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I think trying to tie it in with the name, even if vaguely, is a good idea. That said, the chapter badge is going to have to sit on a yellow background so I don't think the first thing that came to my mind would be a good idea (a sunburst). Although it could be a red sunburst, I suppose...




- A flaming blood drop (this idea I like).

- A two-tailed flaiming skull (kind of like Sigmars meteor in WHFB)


They both sound good but do they fit thematically? Are there going to be other aspects to the chapter that help solidify the ideas that either of these symbols might suggest?

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That is exactly where the problem came in. The name "Golden Sons" is really hard to represent in a chapter badge, and as far as character goes they are fanatically religious and angelical in their appearance, which is why I thought the drop of blood and halo might be good.


I want to add some battle damage to the marines, but Im nervous about that steps, screwing up yellow armour is a pain to repair. I also saw a picture of the Blood Drinkers from the new codex, nice colour scheme, I might make some of those one day.

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That is exactly where the problem came in. The name "Golden Sons" is really hard to represent in a chapter badge, and as far as character goes they are fanatically religious and angelical in their appearance, which is why I thought the drop of blood and halo might be good.


If I may, perhaps a good idea for an emblem could be a winged (pair or singular) 4 or 5-pointed star to represent their divine "golden" nature, though a ball of flame could work just as well as the star in that respect if you prefer it.
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SanguiniusReborn: Im gonna try out that idea, I really like it, thank you. Im imagining Gabriel Seths Iron halo, the winged halo, that might just work.

You're welcome Anaziel, always happy to help out a Brother, especially a fellow son of Sanguinius. :)


EDIT: Found a good example of the 4-pointed star I had in mind if it helps:


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I have another marine for you guys, he is still missing the base and chapter badge (because Im still trying to decide :P). I wont be adding any battle damage until the entire squad is finished. Also, I know I know, drill the bolter barrels ...



http://i1056.photobucket.com/albums/t373/Philip_Breusch_Magnussen/2015-01-02224621_zpsc6bef62e.jpgThe numeral III is for the squad designation, the company symbol on the right knee. I like to believe that space marines, being veterans of hundreds of campaings, should look the part thats why he has the eagle pauldron.

http://i1056.photobucket.com/albums/t373/Philip_Breusch_Magnussen/2015-01-02224627_zps2f7a6479.jpgFYI, I love glazes :P


I have question for you guys, do you think a white aquila on the chest plates would look better than silver? In heraldry they are the same colour and therefore interchangable, but Im just wondering what you think.

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So, a bit of work and desition Ive come down to 2 ideas for a BA related chapter badge:




I did have an idea of maybe using a fleur de lis or even the cross of the Knights of Saint James (Santiago de Compostela) because its a really fancy cross, but it just feels like its more suited for the IF genelines. Also its in black just to clarify the form I might go for blue for the actual badge so it blends well.

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These look great, also you've helped me decide which chapter to do now. It was between Golden Sons and another but seeing as you have done these so well I will go with my other choice so thanks!


The only other small piece of fluff that they have other than being extinct is that they treated their Death Company with a very high level of disdain and were very willing to throw them in as expendable troops / on suicide missions.

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I actually didnt really want to add death company troops to my army. But I have a scheme in mind In case I want to: black armour and a half blue/yellow helmet, its sort of inspired on deathstroke from DC Comics because that guy is badass and his mask is half blu and yellow/orange :P

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One minor tidbit to add, is that their only official mention(that I know of) in the background is in the Index Astartes Death Company article. It mentions them as being destroyed by the Flaw, although nothing specific was mentioned. However, you could always do them like the Lamenters where they had a ridiculously small Death Company and then they were destroyed when the Flaw spontaneously ran rampant across their numbers.


EDIT: Just read Robotronic's post.


Maybe you could tie the two together in that there was a ridiculously small number and as such, they viewed the Death Company as those too weak to cope with the Inheritance of Sanguinius. Sort of like the relationship between the Samaritans and the Jews.

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Well, since their homeworld is getting invaded in my fluff I can imagine some sort of heavy blow to their morale starts cripling them mentally.


All the info I got on the chapter was from lexicanum and 40kwiki, but I dont recall it said they had been destroyed by the flaw, but I dont doubt your knowledge Kol.

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No problem. Second hand information should always be taken with a grain of a salt. You have to rely on someone else typing on a computer/phone from after all. :)


I'll go back through it just to make sure and post any quotes that feature the Golden Sons. The benefit of it being an ebook is iBooks feels the need to always put a "This excerpt is from this publication!".

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“More than one of the Blood Angels’ kindred bloodlines are known to take a much harsher, punitive attitude to their battle-lost brothers, hurling their Death Companies into the fray with no concern for their lives and using them as a blunt instrument to break enemy front lines no matter the cost. Flesh Tearer officers have displayed such merciless disregard many times across the span of millennia, as have the Chaplains of the Angels Numinous, the Flesh Eaters, and now-extinct Chapters such as the Golden Sons and the Crimson Legion.”


Excerpt From: Workshop, Games. “Index Astartes: Death Company.” Games Workshop Ltd, 2013-08-09. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.


Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=686571150

Okay, so as you an see, it says nothing about why they became extinct so for that, I apologize.


So, on a personal quest, I went through what little I own concerning the Blood Angels to see how I came up with this little..... Misunderstanding.


And I think I've found the answer.


On page 86 of Trial by Blood, Gabriel Seth says


'The curse. It is all of our burden to bear.' Seth spread his arms, encompassing the assembled Chapter Masters. 'Yet through fate and fortune not of our making, we face it in different degrees.[...]'

And then because it is said that the Flesh Tearers and Flesh Tearers(two of the Chapters the Golden Sons are being compared to) have extreme trouble with the Flaw, I think my brain made a few more comparisons and said the Golden Sons must also have been "fatally undone" by the Flaw.


Note: I'm trying to look for the source on the Flesh Eaters, but I can't seem to find their mentions in the IA articles(of course, there is a ton of material there) or in the 5th Edition Codex, which you'd think would be easy considering i have the Codex in an eBook format. But it keeps telling me that "Flesh Eaters" doesn't appear anywhere. So any help finding those tidbits would be fantastic.


So in summary, I apologize for my misleading you. The only official thing we know is that the Golden Sons didn't like their Death Company and at some point, for some reason, became extinct.


So you have complete and total leeway to do whatever you want. Although if I do say so myself, the idea of them not having too many afflicted by the Flaw and thus having an attitude of general disdain for those who succumb is a brilliant idea as it would live up to what little fluff tere is as well as giving you ample reason to not have Death Company. :D

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