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Khorne or Nurgle?

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I want to start a new army but I don't know whether I should use Khorne or Nurgle.


This is what I have so far.






Chaos Lord Terminator Armour


14 Plague Marines


5 Terminators


3 Obliterators






Daemon Prince of Khorne(with wings and armour)


24 Khorne Berserkers


1 Land Raider


2 Rhinos


I am stuck on which one I should continue first. I am striving for a fun and cool looking army to paint yet also a competitive army, Which army do you think i should continue and why? Which units should I add to it?


Thanks for the suggestions :D

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Slaanesh. Because eventually your devotion to forwarding yourself towards your goals will become an obsession. So you may as well give into it now ;)
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I want to start a new army but I don't know whether I should use Khorne or Nurgle.

This is what I have so far.



Chaos Lord Terminator Armour

14 Plague Marines

5 Terminators

3 Obliterators



Daemon Prince of Khorne(with wings and armour)

24 Khorne Berserkers

1 Land Raider

2 Rhinos

I am stuck on which one I should continue first. I am striving for a fun and cool looking army to paint yet also a competitive army, Which army do you think i should continue and why? Which units should I add to it?

Thanks for the suggestions biggrin.png

As Noctem Cultor said, I would go with both to be honesty. Gaming wise, it would give you two separate armies, you could always mix them up depend the game or event your going to? Just give you some chose.

Also your saying about painting, just both armies would offer something different & cool on the painting & converting side. See Forge World for Heresy era Khârn & Typhus models :D

It also worth checking out some of the army logs kicking about on this forum & also check out Call of Chaos.

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You've got two complementary forces, a solid tough core, and an assault force to take the fight to the enemy.


Look at the force as a whole and see what you're missing is cheap cannon fodder, and some fast attack opptions.


For the cannon fodder, Typhus offers up Plague Zombies, and Fast Attack lends itself to Khornate Bikers, and possibly a Heldrake

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++ On the keep both vote.


I would add Spawn, a Heldrake and possibly a Predator or Vindicator.  These units would not only round out your fast attack but will also fit with either cult if you want to run a mono-god list.  Besides, you will need a spawn model or two for the inevitable roll of 21-22 on the chaos boon table.

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I'd say both mate; you can treat them as two concurrent projects and it'll give you variety. I've got quite a large nurgle army myself and I'm tempted to do a small khorne contingent for a change. The fact that the chaos codex doesn't restrict what you have in your army is a great excuse to have a number of war bands working together.

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