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Very nice work! :)


You know, I keep looking at that Dread panel with the sword through the 'Nid head and wondering how hard it would be to convert the head to a Chaos one? :P

Hey guys,

So I finished off my Chaplain and my new Master for the Tourney I went to last weekend and forgot to put the photos up. Still got to do the squiggles on the purity seals cause I'm lazy and the chapter badge transfer on the chappy. Also managed to do up a display board. I've also included a photo of the 3000pt list I took to last weekends tourney.

I know the Chappy still looks a bit Blood Angely but I don't care I love the model and loved the jump pack. The Power Sword hand and JP on the chappy and the Mace arm and JP on the Master are magnetised.

I'll do a write up on how I went in the Tourney soon.








Now that I've got everything painted that I want for the rest of the Tourney's I'll be going to for the rest of the year (except for 1 Dread and another Assault Squad on foot), I'm going to go back through all my models and finish the transfers on all the ones that need it and I'll also be doing the 25mm to 32mm extensions.


I'll post some photos up as I work through them over the next couple of months.


I'm also in the process of making myself a gaming table for home so stayed tuned on that front also. It will be a swamp themed board using the Swamp FAT mat. I chose the swamp theme as I think it matches my muddy bases nicely.


Cheers guys!

Oh my, I've never seen the BA-Chappy like that before. I like it, it looks right.


Your work with the Master is awesome. The terminatorgear works really well with PA

Never been a fan of that helmet though.

Now that I've got everything painted that I want for the rest of the Tourney's I'll be going to for the rest of the year (except for 1 Dread and another Assault Squad on foot), I'm going to go back through all my models and finish the transfers on all the ones that need it and I'll also be doing the 25mm to 32mm extensions.


I'll post some photos up as I work through them over the next couple of months.


I'm also in the process of making myself a gaming table for home so stayed tuned on that front also. It will be a swamp themed board using the Swamp FAT mat. I chose the swamp theme as I think it matches my muddy bases nicely.

Cheers guys!


I look forward to seeing this - I think various group shots of the finished models on a nice themed table will look brilliant. :)

  • 1 month later...
Hey Brothers,

So it's been a little while since I posted a WIP but that's just because I was actually doing things!

I had a couple of weeks Holiday from work so set myself a goal.....all my painted marines would be upgraded to 32mm bases using adapter rings I got from Eccentric Miniatures (they are plastic and amazing) as well as decals going on to all my painted Greenwing.

I really wanted to get this done as most of my marines didn't have DA chapter markings and really wanted to squeeze as many painting and modelling points as possible from Tournaments but most importantly just wanted my army to look even better when I'm playing games.

I was dreading doing the decals as my previous experience with them wasn't great. I didn't know how to use Micro Sol and Micro Set properly even after watching youtube videos and I was also using the old decal sheets that you used to get from the old marine boxes.

This time around I found the key to using Micro Sol and Micro Set was patience (lol so simple) and instead of those old decal sheets I used the new DA decal sheet with all the banners and nick knacks that you buy at a premium (bought the sheet ages ago just to get the sacred banner decals). The new decals wrap around better and the see through surround dissolves a lot better with the Micro Sol and Micro Set than the old decals.

The results were amazing, I was very chuffed with how they turned out. Unfortunately the photos won't do them enough justice but the decals actually look "painted" on.

For those keen to do decals some optional hints and tips below:

1. Throw out all the old decal sheets, don't use them they look crap (comparison pic below). Use the DA decal sheet you buy from GW yes it's expensive but worth it

2. After softening and releasing the decal in water, brush Micro Set onto the surface of the model, place the decal and then brush a little more over the top of the decal and then drag it into position (I used a Knife as the brush wasn't grabbing it).

3. Let the Micro Set dry completely, very important!

4. Do another coat and let it dry.

5. Once dry, brush on the Micro Sol and let it dry

6. If their are any air bubbles that pop up after the first coat of Micro Sol prick them with a pin and then do your final coat of Micro Sol

7. Coat with desired varnish. I found matte varnish works better as the decals are very shiny

And here are the photos!!! Enjoy!!!


Everything that needed decals!!!







And here's the comparison pic! New Decals on the left, old ones on the right (only used the old ones cause I ran out of assault markings on my new decal sheet :sad.:)

Edited by Solrac
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys so finally finished painting the adjustments to my list for the NSW Masters Tournament this weekend. I would have vowed it for the Covenant of Caliban but knew I wouldn't be able to get it finish by then :sad.:

Anyways here's the DA Chaplain I painted up and the 3 Command Vets I needed to beef up the Command Squad. Used the Breacher shields as Storm Shields and grabbed a sheathed sword from the Black Templar sprue for the champion. I planed to do a transfer on the shield of the Champ to make him stand out but ran out of time. Might be able to sneak one on him tonight. Just noticed when uploading pics I dont have a finished pic of the three Command Vets I'll try and upload one later.

Enjoy and wish my luck this weekend!

P.S My work PC doesn't like me using the pic function to insert bigger pics for some reason so I'll have to fix it up when I get home.



Edited by Solrac
  • 2 weeks later...

I've lately been busy with the terrain for my new gaming board. The board itself is still getting organised. My step dad is a cabinet maker and he is making two 4x4 boards for me with some fancy joiner so they always come together flush and is also doing a dice guard. More pics as I get them!


Also forgot to mention I scored this fella when our local Warhammer store opened up a couple of months ago!


So... Much ... ENVY! Grav-breachers, complete city-scape board, a damn LE Chaplain! There is no end to the awesome-ness. Did you get the terminator captain as well?


Edit: Oh, and the Chappy looks awesome, but the black armour could use some highlights. :smile.:

Edited by GreyRavenC

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