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What are your expectations for a new Chaos codex? (rumors!)


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I tell you one thing I would really like for us: data cards.


It's simple, but irrespective of how uber a Codex may be, these can really offer some much needed VPs...




What would be immensely smart of GW would be a splash release of everyone's data cards, and a book of aggressively pushed 'competitive' formations...

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Put me down for an updated version of the current dex (Pleasepleaseplease no more Champions of Chaos), with an usually high number of supplements- 2-3 instead of 1-2. Either Cults and Legions or Cults and Cults.


GW typically does things we want in the way we don't (I think CS was "new" CSM and BL was "Legions" from the limited grasp of their marketing department), so expect Legion formations, if they come, to be very specific and limiting.


What I'd *like* is 30k to become more official as a battle brothers option.

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It is possible chosen will get a much needed boost. Perhaps they will release a chosen kit and an updated black legion dataslate during the summer? They may even update the Warptalons rules in order to generate more sales. 

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I expect much gnashing of teeth, ....on both sides.

I think everyone can agree on that, the Internet being what it is :P

I'm expecting new models, beyond that I don't think I can really say. If we don't get new models that will be very disappointing, but being new to the codex I at least can fall back on the fact that technically all models are new to me laugh.png

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Chaos changes I reckon that will happen: cults back to troops (because it's simpler), Chosen, terminators and the like getting boosts through formations and FOC changes. I think we will get multipled FOC change options as it makes sense (actually that is an argument against I guess). Rules on Daemon Vehicles (the Fiends, the Helldrake) will be changed in some way.

New Weapons, and a tiny bit of tweaking and MoW Mission Cards.


Abbaddon AND Huron moved to LoW. Neither will receive a boost in power however.


I hope Chaos Undivided makes a  return and I hope VoTLW is changed, but I doubt it. It will be massive tweaking excercise.


The only other thing I can see happening (which is an outside chance really), is the expansion of the "Evil" weapons, the inclusion of Hades Autocannons and EctoPlasma cannons for other vehicles, and maybe for units. Maybe even smaller scale versions of the Hades. I think more weapons from Hell would be a positive step, SM have their Grav, SW have their Cold weapons, we can have our Hell Weapons. This would be minor changes, new mini sprue that fits vehicles and a sprue change for Marines.


Could you imagine a unit of Terminators with a Hades or an Ecto for a Heavy weapon?

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I tell you one thing I would really like for us: data cards.


It's simple, but irrespective of how uber a Codex may be, these can really offer some much needed VPs...




What would be immensely smart of GW would be a splash release of everyone's data cards, and a book of aggressively pushed 'competitive' formations...



Be good for those armies that don't have it ... and for those of us who were unable to get them for certain factions!

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- Mass re-consideration of points costs, in context with 7th ed trends. The likes of Defilers, Forgefiends, Warp Talons etc are likely to come down in cost, perhaps not considerably, but enough to make them more fieldable.

- A re-jigging of the Relics and various items of wargear to make them simpler and more standardised (I doubt very much the likes of Book of Magnus will survive, and if it does, it will be something far simpler than it currently is, e.g. the bearer gains one more psyker mastery level than they currently have, becoming a level one psyker if they have no mastery level).

- I imagine the Boon Table will be simplified massively to make it more like the Warriors of Chaos one (e.g. largely just stat increases and the application of certain USRs). I also imagine the transition to Daemon Prince and Spawn will be refined in the same manner.

- Most likely a proliferation of certain army specific weapons as options for squads and vehicles (I wouldn't be surprised to see Ecto Plasma and Hades Auto Cannons or equivalents becoming available for Terminators, Landraiders; maybe even Obliterators).

- Something that simplifies the "cult" units in terms of their FoC placement. My guess is they will simply all move to troops, or we will be able to take them as troops in certain formations.

- I am also imagining that they will likely do away with the God-specific psychic powers, perhaps instead including an all singing, all dancing Chaos lore instead, maybe, maybe with certain benefits for Marked sorcerers who cast certain spells. 

- If they have any sense whatsoever, they will introduce more viable transport options, particularly for assault units. It doesn't necessarily have to be a drop pod, though something like that would be most welcome; some form of Warp manipulation, sorcery or whatever; this is something the army needs to make it competitive.

- Warp Talons I can see getting something like Preferred Enemy against a designated unit (given certain details of their background). With any luck, that will come with some form of scatter mitigation when deep striking.

- I can see them auto including the Helbrute formations in the codex, or at least some permutation of them, along with formation redolent of certain cults, warbands etc. This may be in the codex itself or in the inevitable supplement that will follow (Codex: Chaos Warbands?).

- As for the cult units themselves, I'm not sure; there are any number of things they could do, particularly with the Thousand Sons, but whether they will or not is a matter of conjecture. I would at least expect to see a formation redolent of each (e.g. a Thousand Sons coven or cabal, a Noise Marine Symphonia etc). I'd also expect there to be some significant points re-jigging here; Thousand Sons NEED to be reduced in cost to make them workable, as do Khorne Berserkers. With regards to Chaos Marks, assuming they survive at all, I'm imagining them to be heavily revised in terms of how they function and are applied. With regards to the Mark of Tzeentch in particular, they would be foolish not to have it in some way benefit from the new mechanics of the Psychic Phase. It would be so simple to implement; something like units comprised entirely of models with the MoT generating one more Warp Charge dice in their own psychic phase than they normally would (so a unit with no psykers would generate one, one that contains a level 1 psyker would generate 2 and so on and so forth). A small, hardly game breaking benefit, but one that would enhance the Mark's effectiveness and synergy on an army wide level.

- I'd also expect there to be some sort of "Black Crusade" formation consisting of Chosen, Terminators and all the hard hitting units in the codex.

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Im expecting... a twenty miniature box of cultists(yeah thats right cool.png ) , I'm also expecting a drop pod. Next, Im expecting cool new characters for the sectors Night Wings, Word Bearers, etc. I am also expecting a boost from the Chosen Ones( they need a big boost). And for the icing on the cake, I am expecting chaos scouts or snipers(something like that). After all, we are Space Marines from the Dark Side(we like the Dark Side since they got cookies).


Heres the truth.

Abbaddon-Lord of War

Many useless formations

No new models

New pictures in the Codex(YEAH! http://gph.is/16XKZ3T )

More expensive cultists

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Looks like new rumors are slowly starting to flow:



I have interesting rumors about CSM:
-No Cult Marines in the Codex
-Few Rule changes
-Dataslates for Cult Marines, Terminators, Chosen ect. in the WD
-One God per Issue (own slates for Berzerker Termis, Plague Termis ect.



Wouldn't put it past GW.

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No cult units in dex? Called it. I said they would screw us over. But if the cult units/termies/chosen in wd means plague marine termies and plague marine chosen then I guess I can live with that
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No cult units in dex? Called it. I said they would screw us over. But if the cult units/termies/chosen in wd means plague marine termies and plague marine chosen then I guess I can live with that


It gets people buying four WDs...

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If it's true then it's apparent Games Workshop would rather everybody just give up playing Chaos and buy the latest variety of Loyalist "It's Codex: Space Marine, BUT-!"


That said, I don't think they'd cut units they already have models for. If they DO then I expect that by 8th CSMs will just be a Chapter Tactic in Codex: Space Marines.

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If it's true then it's apparent Games Workshop would rather everybody just give up playing Chaos and buy the latest variety of Loyalist "It's Codex: Space Marine

They turn 40k into marine vs marine, fantasy gets scrapped after the end times finishes... In the far future of 2016 there is only horus heresy.

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No problem here, even if they do not include formations I still buy the WD every week. I buy it not because of the sporadic inclusion of rules but because I love painting guides and along BL books it supplements my needs in the hobby when I have no time to play/paint/assemble my army. 


Still I do not see it as a bad thing. A basic, leaner codex for the Chaos Space Marines, with an additional set of rules, formations and dataslates for the legion purists. I find it a good deal (and if all is digital all the better). 

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-Price drops

-Removal of marks

-Possible Legion Tactics replacing marks

-Only Marines and cultists as troops,no more Lord of Nurgle making Nurgle Marines troops.


-Legion Tactics to unlock units, similar to Only able to field Crusader Squads in black templar detachment in vanilla Marines Codex.


Abaddon will of course be a Lord of War, possible price drop.

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Still I do not see it as a bad thing. A basic, leaner codex for the Chaos Space Marines, with an additional set of rules, formations and dataslates for the legion purists. I find it a good deal (and if all is digital all the better). 


That said, removing Cult Troops makes the Codex far, far leaner. And what then differentiates it from either the BL or CS ones?

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CS can have Cult Troops?

With the current Codex, yes.



Still lots of time for rumours to change, mutate, and alter so don't get hung up on anything you see in rumours.


Please add generously


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Consider also another thing. If you scrap the Cult Troops in our book you must make sure that the basic units choices like Chaos Space Marines, Terminators and all other non-cult options are actually viable and have a form of synergy to work. As I have said the main problem we always had is that our faction was supposed to be playable in four different ways (Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh) as well as with an Undivided option there too. 


This creates a lot of problems and form my experience such "polivalent" factions were always a pain to play effectively. An example are my beloved Dark Angels. Again this is a book which is supposed to play in three different ways (Deathwing, Ravenwing, Greenwing) as well as a mix of the three, which inevitably leads in a poorly optimized army to begin with, sometimes even bloated with "legacy units" which are carried from edition to edition. This is the problem of the Chaos Space Marines and so far no codex, not even the vaunted 3.5 (which I played a lot) did not bring the proper synergy to make it all work. A clear testament to this is the predominance of Nurgle (which abuses stats and core rules) across the past three editions of our codex.


Alas I welcome this bold choice if it proves to be true. I would be far more content with having a working core for my army in the form of the Chaos Space Marines, astartes wargear as well as the main daemonic engines, than to have a book which does a little bit of everything but does it bad. No, not on my part. I want my core choices to work like a charm, my main building blocks of my army to have a presence on the battlefield. Only when the core functions, then and only then we can afford to delve into cult legions, legion traits... etc.


Also keep in mind the following. The 7th is moving toward an aggressive and mechanized gameplay where spam gets you only so far especially in Maelstrom of War missions. What we need is that our core building block, the CSM in a Rhino is top notch and that the rest of the book supports the core in a good way with synergy, firepower and other things which the basic CSM lack of. It is the basic Chaos Space Marine that is the building block of our entire faction, his option to be specialized is our main asset. This is the idea, but as we all know the execution was poorly done in most of the editions. 


Nah. I say place the cult options and wargear in a supplemental layer to our book, do not build it into our core. We need a strong base more than we need uberspecialized units. We must return to an age when a CSM is not outperformed by a Plague/Noise/Rubic/Berzerker marine unless it is in a very specific field of war or army build. The cults should be always treated as a specialist style of gameplay, not as a core mechanic to our faction. 


I think that the wise and experienced chaos players would rather see a codex with our mainline units working in synergy than have a codex with a myriad of options, cults and upgrades but lacking in the generalist aspect. We are still marines at our core, we are a generalist, shock and impact army. Specialization is an alternative, is should not be the norm. 

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