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What are your expectations for a new Chaos codex? (rumors!)


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Not sure if anyone posted this: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/01/40k-cult-chaos-marines-what.html


From what it sounds like it could be is formations giving army-wide Chaos God dedications, which is cool but not exactly what I'd prefer, but getting Cult Terminators sounds pretty sweet! I'd love to have T5 FnP Terminators even if it is a formation! But as long as they get removed from our next Codex and then get put into supplements, I'm not worried about it.


What I would expect is them getting rid of as far as relics go is the Dimensional Key, Murder Sword and Scroll of Magnus and then maybe changing some of the stats on the Ax (don't know why a MoK Lord would need Rage when he already gets it).


Abaddon going to LoW.


Marked Sorcerers and Demon Prince Psykers no longer forced to roll on patron's discipline, exactly like Demon Psykers.


As said before, the Champion of Chaos rule gets changed to non-compulsory challenges and a simplified Boon table (Dark Apotheosis retains wargear). 


Teleport Homers for character upgrades and/or Icons turn into Teleport Homers (no reason why they removed it, so no reason to expect they wouldn't put it back in).


Either Marks or VOTLW becomes an army-wide special rule.


Heldrake's weapons are switched back to a turret or a wider degree of movement, maybe a rule change to its Vector Strike.


Forgefiend with Skyfire.


Price drop for Defiler.


Warpsmith and Dark Apostle get access to Special Issue Wargear and Demonic Steeds.


Chosen with Infiltrate or maybe Scout.


Possessed and Warp Talons with Frag and Krak Grenades. Possessed and Spawn with new random table.


Raptors with Infiltrate, Scout or Hit and Run.


Maybe a new Helbrute variant.


New Chaos Marine box, new Cultist box (10 instead of 5, with weapon options), Chosen box, new Havocs box, Mutilator/Obliterator box, new Spawn box (3 instead of 2, similar how they consolidated Ogryns from single packs to a 3 model box), and/or new Cult Marine boxes. I'm expecting at least one of those to come true.


Now all the naysayers can despair on how any positive view of Chaos Space Marines getting a few good things is wrong. lol

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On a side note. I would like to see our Dark Apostle with a "blessing" table similar to the one of the Ministorum Priest of the Imperial Guard, or the Ethereal of the Tau. Roll a d3 (I think will suffice) and have one of the three "blessings" for a turn. One blessing for shooting, one for melee and one "awesome". 

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Not sure if anyone posted this: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/01/40k-cult-chaos-marines-what.html




Abaddon going to LoW.


Marked Sorcerers and Demon Prince Psykers no longer forced to roll on patron's discipline, exactly like Demon Psykers.


As said before, the Champion of Chaos rule gets changed to non-compulsory challenges and a simplified Boon table (Dark Apotheosis retains wargear). 


Teleport Homers for character upgrades and/or Icons turn into Teleport Homers (no reason why they removed it, so no reason to expect they wouldn't put it back in).


Either Marks or VOTLW becomes an army-wide special rule.


Heldrake's weapons are switched back to a turret or a wider degree of movement, maybe a rule change to its Vector Strike.


Forgefiend with Skyfire.


Price drop for Defiler.


Warpsmith and Dark Apostle get access to Special Issue Wargear and Demonic Steeds.


Chosen with Infiltrate or maybe Scout.


Possessed and Warp Talons with Frag and Krak Grenades. Possessed and Spawn with new random table.


Raptors with Infiltrate, Scout or Hit and Run.


Maybe a new Helbrute variant.




While this all sounds okay, it's mostly just common sense. A lot of this I'd categorize as 'missing' from the current codex, and not add ons.... stuff like grenades? Pricing issues with defunct stuff... etc. Removal of rules that made sense coming back.

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The heldrake won't be getting a boost.

I imagine the flamer getting busted down to ap4.


Why would Warp Talons get a buffed? They are actually very cheap for the Wargear they come with...


No chance a Forgefiend would have Skyfire.

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Two lightning claws are 30 points. Then you consider the jetpack and invul save...


You get all this for under 30 points a model. Exactly how much should a Warp Talon cost when each one is equipped with Wargear costing more than the points for the entire model?


They are fine as they are.

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Two lightning claws are 30 points. Then you consider the jetpack and invul save...


You get all this for under 30 points a model. Exactly how much should a Warp Talon cost when each one is equipped with Wargear costing more than the points for the entire model?


They are fine as they are.

I think you forgot the points discount for having to take Champions of Chaos and always going last in combat when charging into terrain.


That said, your expectations are probably as realistic as everyone else's, we'll have to wait and see what comes next.

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I think the basic problem is that 15 pts is too high for a power weapon on a 1W model. (I would charge 5, perhaps.) But it's been standard for Marines for multiple editions, so I don't anticipate it changing.




Two lightning claws are 30 points. Then you consider the jetpack and invul save...


You get all this for under 30 points a model. Exactly how much should a Warp Talon cost when each one is equipped with Wargear costing more than the points for the entire model?


They are fine as they are.

I think you forgot the points discount for having to take Champions of Chaos and always going last in combat when charging into terrain.


That said, your expectations are probably as realistic as everyone else's, we'll have to wait and see what comes next.

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........ Warp Talons are cheap for just having lightning claws? :huh:

Maybe the Warp Dust from Ultramar is stronger?


On a side note, these rumors on this page sound like a hotfix they should have faqed a while ago.


Again, I'll believe it when I see it.

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The Heldrake is currently our most OP unit. And in its comparatively short history, we've seen it go from good, to ludicrous, to nerfed. Currently, it is still a lynchpin for most armies. But, while I really really really do try and be optimistic, history shows us it is more likely to become more nerfed, or stay the same, before it is improved and made balanced.
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No reason not to believe Forgefiend getting Skyfire, it makes sense.

As much as I would be ok with the model getting skyfire (anything really to make it have a purpose for existing in the codex), it won't happen in my opinion. Giving the model skyfire would make the ectoplasm build basically worthless (can't hit flyers with templates even if they sky fire). Giving the hades autocannons sky fire hurts their viability on the heldrake. If it got skyfire, it would need to be in some form of special rule I think, and I just don't see it happening. Whatever happens I just hope now that the design team (as opposed to individuals) are writing the codex that between the lot of them they can do the army justice. The last two books have been boring/bland to say the least.

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You're implying people tale FFiends on some basis to begin with?

Who me? No they are pretty worthless in their current version, as I stated in my post. I'd be ok with them actually obtaining a useful role (ie buffing them or lowering costs..or both) to help with our internal balance (see also: mutilators, warp talons, etc etc).

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I'd be surprised if we didn't get a plastic Sorcerer model.


I would imagine the clam-pack is prerequisite now for any release.


The Heldrake is currently our most OP unit. And in its comparatively short history, we've seen it go from good, to ludicrous, to nerfed. Currently, it is still a lynchpin for most armies. But, while I really really really do try and be optimistic, history shows us it is more likely to become more nerfed, or stay the same, before it is improved and made balanced.


Although, only perhaps most OP because there's so much that fails to hit the spot in the rest of the Codex. I'm optimistic it won't become another 'has-been'. I equally couldn't imagine it dropping below AP3... again, perhaps that errs on the optimistic side though.


You're implying people tale FFiends on some basis to begin with?


I love the models - it'd be great with Skyfire. To be fair, I'd be tempted to run one anyway in casual play, because they're cool.

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why is everyone believing this bols/natfka nonsense of a new csm main codex and cult formations?


the only reliable rumour (confirmed by darnok on warseer) is khorne daemons from end times being tied into a combined CSM supplement

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why is everyone believing this bols/natfka nonsense of a new csm main codex and cult formations?


the only reliable rumour (confirmed by darnok on warseer) is khorne daemons from end times being tied into a combined CSM supplement

Personally, I call bull on all of it. When I see a logical argument for its existence put forth, then I'll believe it. Until then, I've seen enough good Chaos rumors go bad that my salt intake makes the Dead Sea look like fresh water.
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why is everyone believing this bols/natfka nonsense of a new csm main codex and cult formations?


the only reliable rumour (confirmed by darnok on warseer) is khorne daemons from end times being tied into a combined CSM supplement

Just passing the time man, hanging out with fellow Chaos players.

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Personally, I call bull on all of it. When I see a logical argument for its existence put forth, then I'll believe it. Until then, I've seen enough good Chaos rumors go bad that my salt intake makes the Dead Sea look like fresh water.



yep, it's like groundhog day, and we now float in a sea of acceptance

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This really doesn't mean much. Due to the clamp down on all rumours a rumour is often only true 3-4 weeks prior to release.


I would be surprised to see a new set of rules on the back end of the a BT release. For 2 main reasons. Its part of the daemon codex, not CSM codex! And we haven't seen the glottkin in 40k since its release. Even as an apoc model it would be appropriate

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