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What are your expectations for a new Chaos codex? (rumors!)


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No reason not to believe Forgefiend getting Skyfire, it makes sense.

As much as I would be ok with the model getting skyfire (anything really to make it have a purpose for existing in the codex), it won't happen in my opinion. Giving the model skyfire would make the ectoplasm build basically worthless (can't hit flyers with templates even if they sky fire). Giving the hades autocannons sky fire hurts their viability on the heldrake. If it got skyfire, it would need to be in some form of special rule I think, and I just don't see it happening. Whatever happens I just hope now that the design team (as opposed to individuals) are writing the codex that between the lot of them they can do the army justice. The last two books have been boring/bland to say the least.

I don't think it would hurt it's viability because the Heldrake is a flyer, so its a Hades Autocannon that gets hit on 6s and much greater maneuverability than a walk with dual Hades Autocannons. Also the idea behind giving the Forgefiend Skyfire is for its Hades Autocannons, you wouldn't be giving it Ectoplasma Cannons if you wanted it to attack fliers (unless it's FMCs). So I can this is as being a possibility, if not, then introduce a new unit or weapon for vehicles to get Skyfire since we only have Heldrakes and Flakk Missiles. But introducing a new unit for that purpose would be redundant because the Forgefiend is well suited for the task.

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You're implying people tale FFiends on some basis to begin with?

I must be the only person who likes them. I often take two. 16 Str 8 shots isn't bad, plus it can move and fire, has an integral 5++, and isn't utterly helpless in combat. I consider it overpriced, but not cripplingly so.

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After the drake nerf, hadesdrakes became obsolete anyway. At best they can update the unit to have the weapon mutate similarly to the Obliterator and keep both in one package.


I'm also in favor of throwing Hades autocannons to the Predator, and making a skyfire variant of the Defiler.

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I am known as Nancy. You will fear my Railgin.


On topic, who do these rumors come from?

"A trustworthy source who can be totally trusted even though they signed the dotted line agreeing to not disclose release information. And are totally trustworthy. And have never been wrong about Chaos releases before. Ever. At all."


Unless you mean the rumor-mongering posters from Warseer.

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I've always loved Forgefiend models but I can't see using 2. They need some fixing for sure. One over priced unit is penalizing yourself, two overpriced units is starting to handicap yourself (especially if you're doing it elsewhere in the army with chaos and that's easy to do.)


To me Chaos is always a versatlie, and elite style army. But it seems the elite units have gone too elite. I'd like to see stuff like: Forgefiends, Defilers, Mutilators, Warp Talons, Possessed, and even Obliterators move to a more useful, and cost effective role.


According to the last set of rumours some of this seems to happen with cost reductions in Defilers, skyfire on Forgefiends but almost everything else I've heard is just common sense for units that were missing integral rules. IE Warp Talons with no grenades. lol

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Expectations? I expect a khorne supplement to go with the End Times bloodthirster and nothing else new for chaos marines this year. That's what I expect.


Not an expectation, but a wish: I wish for homing beacons. Whether as distinct upgrades for unit champions or just making it something that our icons do again, I wish for this more than anthing else. Homing beacons on their own would bring me back to my chaos marines, even if everything else stayed as bad or boring as it is right now. Even if our faction was still all about melee, but lacked delivery options; even if our characters were still all about challenges but lacked the AP2 weapons and 2+/3++ saves to compete in that department against the game's top duelists. Even if the chaos legions fall even farther into memory, and our army-wide flavor rules stay bad, or non existent, or arbitrarily cost extra points for no real reason.


Even if all of that, even if it were just 'here's the exact same codex, minus cult marines, but icons are homing beacons again', I'd be back for that.

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Well, homing beacons would mitigate some of the delivery issues that plague us. You can see the logic of icons act as summoning mechanisms for daemons, therefore need to be homers, but removing daemons remove the need for icons to summon them, so they no longer need to be homers. Ignoring the lack of Amy other kind of homer for the myriad other deep strike units to use.
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Removal of cult units from troops. Probably.


This allows Elite formations such as the archangels one, where you can get 16 elite choices as a standard force org chart.


Legion rules can be brought back as detachment bonuses.


That would be beautiful.


It keeps the generic flavour of the lost and the damned, yet allows you to field ultra specialised armies, as with the archangels.

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