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Long Fang advice?


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Anti-infantry for me would be template weapons. Missile Launcher is nice but plasma cannon is nicer! Heavy Bolters is always a safe bet. I personally wouldn't bother giving the ancient plasma gun as your long fangs are gonna sit back and use their range. I would suggest using a wolf guard upgrade with terminator armor and cyclone. Maybe even keep the ancient basic cost or a flamer for good measure should your enemy get close enough to flank you...

Squad of three"..........long fang sergeant with melta gun, long fang with multi melta and wolf guard with combi melta in a drop pod is cheap and effective......

That isn't exactly classified as 'anti infantry'.


I like to use three sources of AI, depending on points and accessibility.

1) Deathwind Launchers on pods. Now that they can shoot in the same turn as they arrive, they are pretty effective horde-control. Especially since pods usually do not draw a lot of fire since you need actual AT weapons to break them.


2) Quad Heavy Bolter Rapiers. 40pts per platform. Get three per unit. That will be 18 TLHB shots on a T7 artillery platform. But it is from FW.


3) Heavy Bolter Long Fangs. 4-5 Heavy Bolters. A bit more expensive and less shots compared to Rapiers, but they are in the codex.


Option 2 and 3 work very well with a Wolf Priest (choosing PE Infantry) or Ulrik for maximum casualties.


Edit: Also, mixing weapons on Fangs is usually bad because you want to fire for maximum effect.

The gun on Ancient is also a waste, because he is supposed to be an ablative wound. And he won't be able to fire most of the time.

I usually find massed bolters to be the best anti-infantry, and I usually run my gh in rhinos to run up and unload massed small arms. However, last book I ran a 5 heavy bolter longfangs pack, with logan for relentless. They are a hell of a lot of fun, but Im not sure how good they'll be as a static unit. This edition Ive mostly dropped long fangs from my list entirely, in favor of more mid-range and assault elements (see thunderwolves). In a small squad I dont think they'll be worth it, you want those 15 shots.


Can you give us a peek at your list? Might help us decide where you can squeeze in some extra anti-infantry power.

Guest loganwolf


Opps didnt see the anti infantry. Consider deepstrike heavy bolter turantulas.....very hard to shift.



Automated Turret rule messes that up. It fires on its own and you have no control over it.

Not really, just drop it close to what you want to target. It's a distraction unit that is tough to get rid of and makes the opponent have to divert resource to it. A unit of four of these will throw out 12 shots for less than 100 points. I think it comes in at 85 points. 60 for the unit and 25 for the deep strike

Anti-infantry for me would be template weapons. Missile Launcher is nice but plasma cannon is nicer! Heavy Bolters is always a safe bet. I personally wouldn't bother giving the ancient plasma gun as your long fangs are gonna sit back and use their range. I would suggest using a wolf guard upgrade with terminator armor and cyclone. Maybe even keep the ancient basic cost or a flamer for good measure should your enemy get close enough to flank you...


I don't think you can take a cyclone on a tda wolf guard for long fangs, as that the cyclone is not in the terminator weapons section where he can pick his wargear. Unless I'm blind and looked right over it.

Guest loganwolf


Anti-infantry for me would be template weapons. Missile Launcher is nice but plasma cannon is nicer! Heavy Bolters is always a safe bet. I personally wouldn't bother giving the ancient plasma gun as your long fangs are gonna sit back and use their range. I would suggest using a wolf guard upgrade with terminator armor and cyclone. Maybe even keep the ancient basic cost or a flamer for good measure should your enemy get close enough to flank you...

I don't think you can take a cyclone on a tda wolf guard for long fangs, as that the cyclone is not in the terminator weapons section where he can pick his wargear. Unless I'm blind and looked right over it.

Correct no cyclone on the wg.



Anti-infantry for me would be template weapons. Missile Launcher is nice but plasma cannon is nicer! Heavy Bolters is always a safe bet. I personally wouldn't bother giving the ancient plasma gun as your long fangs are gonna sit back and use their range. I would suggest using a wolf guard upgrade with terminator armor and cyclone. Maybe even keep the ancient basic cost or a flamer for good measure should your enemy get close enough to flank you...

I don't think you can take a cyclone on a tda wolf guard for long fangs, as that the cyclone is not in the terminator weapons section where he can pick his wargear. Unless I'm blind and looked right over it.

Correct no cyclone on the wg.
I stand corrected, sorry still had the last edition in my mind when I wrote that.

Can you give us a peek at your list? Might help us decide where you can squeeze in some extra anti-infantry power.

Brandon Ravensgaze 180

counts as Njal Stormcaller

Terminator Armour

Brandon's Retinue, bearers of the Wolf Standard 105

Grey Hunters(5)

Chainswords (5)

Wolf Standard

Roose Bloodmaw's Red Hunters 160

Grey Hunters (10)

Chainswords (5)

Flamers (2)

Jeor Greymane's Hunters 195

Grey Hunters (10)

Chainswords (5)

Plasma Guns (2)

Plasma Pistol

Rikard Stoneheart's Long Fangs 110

Long Fangs and Ancient (3 + 1)

Missile Launcher

Heavy Bolter (2)

Plasma Gun

Bare bones starting force, gonna add more flavour to later detachments msn-wink.gif

So i'm playing with 750, and trying to go for balance.

Guest loganwolf

Njal is to expensive at 750 points.Run a simple rune priest.  Make the squad with the wolf standard the squad with 10 men in.  Make one member of each grey hunter squad a wolf guard running a combi weapon.  Your a static army that has no form of transport.  Consider running 3 drop pods for the grey hunters and perhaps a razor back for the lon fangs

I mean I don't know how many points it would save you to switch the two 10 man to bloodclaws, that saves simple ppm, as well as paying for the cc weps, also can save about 30 points by not paying for the plasma gun on the long fangs as well as the plasma pistol in the gh, that should give you enough points to maintain the 2 10 man squads still with 2 flamers and 2 plas, as well as being able to put them in pods. This might also alow you to put the 5 man in a pod as well, and maby....just maby add a long fang with a hw. And push comes to shove drop terminator armour on Njal, or if you would still need to adjust to drop points can always switch to ml2 priest.

Massed fire is the easiest way to kill infantry. depending on what you're facing. It works really well against guard, as it negates their 5+ armour save. Against Marines, a bit harder, but statistically your opponent will fail at least a few unless he's rolling one at a time (which is bs, don't let them do that). For Anti-infantry long fangs, Plasma cannons, heavy bolters, and missile launchers. Take all three squads and hammer away with all of them on one target, stack the wounds and watch him squirm. Go one LF squad at a time, so you don't commit all three to a target that dies after one unit shoots it. This gives you some versatility. The Missile launchers can take out light vehicles pretty well, so don't be afraid to dual use them.


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