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Sammael Size

Frater Cornelius

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Can any proud owner of Sammael give me the length, width and height (when mounted on the base) of the model? Preferably in cm, but inches will do as well.

It matters to me because I am working in a pretty nifty conversion but I do not want to exceed the official size by too much.


Cheers :)

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Thanks, bud.

Pretty simple actually. Him riding a plasma breathing dragon biggrin.png Discounting the tail and wings (which never count anyway, so it's all good), I'll end up with 4-4.5" high, 5" long and 1.5" wide. Only slightly bigger than Sammael. But it will be mounted on a Riptide base. Wouldn't work otherwise biggrin.png

Using that big Lizardmen dino as a base and the rider from the Chaos Manticore box. It sounds pretty complicated biggrin.png

I like my HQs to look like actual HQs msn-wink.gif

Edit: most likely a smaller and custom metal dragon mixed with a Bloodcrusher (the metal plating is awesome). Might look out of place with that big effing thing from Lizardmen.

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