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rather new here... and obsessed with dreads ;-) After fluff about Astramael and Battle of Iron I realy want to run dreadnought army... jes I know that it is subpar unit in current meta, but... well ;-)


Something like that:


using Baal Strike Force


HQ 1 (Astramael) Librarian Dread (pod) warlord

HQ 2 supporting Librarian Dread (pod)


ELITE 1 Fragioso (pod) melta

ELITE 2 Fragioso (pod) flamer

ELITE 3 Claw Furioso (pod) melta+flamer

ELITE 4 Claw Furioso (pod) melta+flamer


TROOP 1 Cassor the Danmed (in FA pod)

TROOP 2 Tactical squad HeavyFlamer (pod)


FAST 1 Pod for Cassor

FAST 2 Assault squad 2xMG + power weapon/gravpistol

FAST 3 Pod (empty) just to make 5 pods on first turn (to seat on objective,  or block movement... maybe with deadwind launcher?)


LOW Dante


more or less 1850 pts


Dante goes with assault squad (depending what will be on table, it will start on table or in reserve). Dreads are also dropped in order depending of enemy forces, either more with melta (maybe with blood lance?) or with flamers against hordes will be down first turn. Then will come other units (Dante would make them more reliable to show up early).


Any suggestions abut strategy to use with this force?

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Good point about Dante - he SHOULD be warlord (obviously :-) ) as for tacticals min squad, assaul squad - as many as points allows (7-8)


Frankly speeking any infantry model (even Dante) is here just to fill the points and troops requirement. Maybe there is other way to take more dreads without troops of any other kind?

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Archangels don't have +1I bonus... and it can be helpfull against MC and other nastines. After consideration, I would exchange Dante for StormRaven - this way I can have means to protect Cassor for turn 3 assaults (it is only F12 dread here) he could ride in raven with tacticals or assault marines. Also instead of tacticals I could use scouts (cheaper and on charge more deadly than tacticals if charging together with Cassor, they would compliment eachother).


So first turn - 5 pods drops - if fighting against hordes/blobs then fragiosos are first, if armour then librarians and suicide melta assault squad. Sometimes it could be valuable to drop only 3 full pods and 2 empty, as distracion/blocking and counting that rest of army arrives turn 2 (if right warlord trait will be rolled). Raven would provide a little anti air still this list would struggle against competitive army, but 7 dreads would look awesome :-)

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Drop dante and assault squad.


Add 2x5 scouts with locator beacons/teleport homers.


Add more dreads.


Deathwind launchers are also awesome, and they make the pod into a genuine threat that your opponent has to deal with, diluting his anti tank firepower.

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More dreads could be only added by secondary detachment and I'm not sure if there be enough points to do so... But in bigger games your suggestion is valuable. When using Cassor only one scout squad is required... and another two if starting new detachment.

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