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DC models as Vanguard Veterans?


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I was wondering how well people think DC models (minus the more obviously DC shoulderpads) would work as Vanguard Veterans, with the appropriate colourscheme?  I have the five DC from the Deathstorm box and, well, I already have 30 DC, not convinced I need 35!



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I was wondering how well people think DC models (minus the more obviously DC shoulderpads) would work as Vanguard Veterans, with the appropriate colourscheme?  I have the five DC from the Deathstorm box and, well, I already have 30 DC, not convinced I need 35!



Using Death Company bits has always been fairly standard practise when building up things like Assault Squads.  The only thing to watch for is, as you say, the "obviously" Death Company pieces.  Personally, I'd just avoid anything with a saltire on it and you should be fine.


If you decide that you want to use the saltire bits as well, painting the crosses yellow actually looks pretty decent.


The only thing that really distinguishes Vanguard Veterans is that their power armour has a gold helmet.  That's really it.

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I was wondering how well people think DC models (minus the more obviously DC shoulderpads) would work as Vanguard Veterans, with the appropriate colourscheme? I have the five DC from the Deathstorm box and, well, I already have 30 DC, not convinced I need 35!


Once they're painted the difference between the two should be quite obvoius. happy.png

You could use any PA model you like, even if you're running the grey legion. I, for one, tell my opponent beforehand which units I field. Again, once they're painted, there should be no misunderstanding.


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To answer your question... um... yes, of course, why would they not be acceptable as Vanguard veterans? As long as they are modeled WYSIWYG and are visually different from other models your using as Death Company, such as with red armor instead of black, then there should be no problems. I sincerely doubt you'll run into anyone who will complain that they aren't the Vanguard Veterans models.

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Yeah I think fundamentally at its basis - do what you feel and what excites you. Your models, the world is your oyster really.


When it comes to the table top I guess it just depends on your peers or if you're playing in tournaments or not. As everyone else has mentioned - your paint scheme SHOULD be the easiest way to differentiate models.


Don't forget BA denote their different squad types via their helmet paint schemes. Gold would denote veterans here in this case. Pretty easy to tell them apart this way.

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I was wondering how well people think DC models (minus the more obviously DC shoulderpads) would work as Vanguard Veterans, with the appropriate colourscheme?  I have the five DC from the Deathstorm box and, well, I already have 30 DC, not convinced I need 35!



I already did this under the 5th ed codex. I wanted my vanguard and sternguard to look more like they were Blood Angels so I used the DC box. I also got some bolters from Forge World in order to give them different looking bolters.


I think it works well enough as long as you select the correct shoulder pads.

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There are a lot of crosses on the armor plates of DC bits and these have a really nice way of doubling as white assault squad designations. VV is a bit more far fetched, but perhaps doable. Out of the 5 marines, at least 2 can be constructed in entirely generic manner (to be anything at all, including tactical marines), but the torso parts for about 3 marines mostly only fit DC/ASM scheme, but can be toned down by mixing with bits from other kits.
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Thanks for the replies! OK, since we've established the very idea isn't heresy, what's a good loadout for a five man squad? They will be accompanying two ten man assault squads in one of the WD formations. One assault squad has two flamers, the other two meltas, and both have sergeants with power weapons.
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The assault squads are kitted out for special weapons fire. From memory, the formation special rules inflict hits on models within 6" when the units Deep Strike. That means that vehicles are at risk from the melta guns while light infantry are at risk from flamers and the "Meteoric impact" rule.


So the main risk to the formation will likely come from being counter-charged by elite units. Things like TEQs or MCs will be able to charge the assault squads with relatively little risk of reprisals. Based on this, maybe the optimum loadout for the Van Vets is with Storm Shields and AP2 weapons. Kit them out to bail out the assault squads if a nasty units try to charge them the turn after they arrive.

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