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Tzeentch Terminators with chainfists

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10 man TDA Chainfist against Knight is highly effective. At most he can kill 4 with his D Weapon and 3 with his Stomp but more likely he'll only take out 2 or 3. The surviving 6 or 7 will kill the Knight.


The problem is getting them into close combat. If it's a Knight Paladin, you can footslogger it in, but if it's an Errant then it's trickier.


I've used a Kharybdis to prop them in (see http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298526-some-pics-of-apoc-game-yesterday/).


The other problem is 10 TDA Chainfist with any sort of transport cost way more than a Knight.


Edit - I would be remiss if I didn't add that Khârn with a bunch of Cultists can kill a Knight far more effectively. Also Maulerfiends with Lashers to help out.

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How do you keep Khârn from getting stomped? The Knight player gets to place the blast over Khârn.

Khârn attacks first and has a good chance of killing the Knight even before the latter hits back.


Khârn is I5 A8 S7 AP2 Armorbane, hits on 2+ and rerolls to hit on Charge.


But getting back to Stomp: you can still "Look Out Sit". Also space your models out during Pile In. They have to be in base contact but can be spread all the way around the back of the Knight. Only the first model needs to move the shortest path, the rest just need to be in Coherency and in base contact with your opponent.

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In my experience Maulerfiends with Lasher Tendrils tend to work good against Knights. 3 of those should do the trick. They also tend to absorb alot of firepower so always field them in multiples. Just wish the Warpsmith Apoc formation were legal for normal play.

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