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what sort of army is chaos to you.

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My opinion is that the Chaos Space Marines are effectively one of the few remaining "shock" armies. By "shock" I speak of a doctrine of overwhelming power concentrated on a single target, of a ruthless and callous approach to the mission and our army building as well as a strong "impact" factor (a vicious turn of melee or fire, a single moment where we burn an ability to overwhelm a foe). 


The space marines used to be a shock army but they are slowly moving toward a generic, combined arms approach army, with a strong basis of "enhanced" shooting. On the other hand the CSM still are the "in your gut" (notice, not "in your face") army which is supposed to be an underhanded, vicious army to play. 


The reason why we have cheap core troops, units which are strong in a single turn (berzerkers) or which are vicious and indiscriminate in their shooting (Noise Marines) as well as "impact" elements like Maulerfiends, Juggylords, Spawn and other similar, is because we still are at our core a "shock" army. We are meant to get in there, wreak havoc, leave the enemy units mauled (hence easier to finish off by our specialists) and move on. This is not necessary to be accomplished in melee, though we indeed have strong melee options.


All in all, the CSM is supposed to be a "vicious" army. Individually we do not kill well but as you pile on an unit (read concentrate our effort on a single point) we can be very devastating. Conversely we suffer from "dedicated" or pure armies which have strong individual units, our nemesis.  

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@Tenebris: Excellent job on describing CSM, I can't top it.  This is how chaos play, pick a weak pt and go for it. 


But, Chaos now have two other army options: Daemons, and Renegades & Heretics


Daemons: A horde of fast or flying MC that go for the throat, while support by very good psykers.   This is the win big or go home army, the army that in concept is simple, but hard to master.  This is an army for painting, where imagination and skills with the brush is the only limitation. 


Renegades and Heretics:  These are my favorite army.  A cheap horde of mutants, cultist, slaves, and zealot backed by extremely good heavy support(artillery everywhere).  Best army for conversion in the whole game. 

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