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Do I need to bling up these DWKs?

Brother dean

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Absolutely bling them up!!! But as you say keep it reasonable (which is subjective ;) )


I disagree with Kabbala about the maces; I've just (on Saturday) changed my maces for GK swords too, WYSIWYG be DAMNED!!! Rule of cool for the WIN!

I too prefer those big maces (AP4 power swords don't make that much sense), but that being said, they do look very nice. I would maybe go for a cape on the knight master to better distinguish him, especially as they all look the same. Maybe a few Dark Angels bling bling on the armour as well, but not to much. 

Honestly, lots of DA (well, Marines in general, but DA more than most) could use a little unblinging, especially with the newer kits that they've put out. dA just seem a little more ascetic and pragmatic than most, less prone to unnecessary ornamentation than most chapters. If you put anything on them be careful not to overdo it...

I like them as they are. Old armour plus those distinctive shields are Knightly enough for me.


Swords look epic too - and provided opponent doesn't forget what they are supposed to be on the tabletop then all's well.


And of course you add a few flourishes when painting them too. More gold maybe etc.




  On 1/5/2015 at 11:01 AM, Chaplain Lucifer said:

  On 1/5/2015 at 10:49 AM, Galthan Ironsturm said:

Deathwing KNIGHTS...and Knights bear SWORD....not mace/maul/club...msn-wink.gif

Just for reference: http://www.knight-medieval.com/knight-medieval-weapons.htm msn-wink.gif

I agree Lucy but our chapter symbol is a Sword. People complain about Wolfy McWolferson riding on his Wolf cavalry and maybe the maces were a way to not beat a dead theme horse but I expected Swords...

However maces do help capture more fallen incapacitated but alive.. and the warrior monk theme...

And I am still debating the Flail for the Champion... I dont think this spliced together sword is durable enough and the Flail is a bit unique rules-wise that I may need to just do it.

And this squad will probably just be add ins for my existing squad of knights OR be a display squad... I doubt I will have may opportunities on points levels to run two squads of knights.


Well, IMHO Black Knights having corvus hammer is more appropriate for knights, since most people think Knights having plate armor which were quite hard to punch thru with sword comparing mace or warhammer. I know, I've lost quite few fore father's to warhammers or maces tongue.png . Still sword is the symbol of knights. but still, more older more ornate things were especially if unit was to be considered cream of the cream or body guards or the very best what was to be offered they usually had quite alot bling. However as TDA itself is most bling there is available older it is, more valuable it is and that itself brings the most glory since some of the oldest TDA's were crafted by primarch's themselves or even emperor himself. Considering Dark Angel's are the first legion for the reason, those could be among the most first TDA's ever made by emperor himself, thus making them not needing the bling as wearing such armor would be among greatest honor of any astartes loyal for the emperor... Just thinking bit out loud.

As I mentioned in my original post, yes the swords look great! They're a very nice conversions and will be brilliant painted up. But as my post also mentioned, if I were your opponent (and don't play with/against DA frequently) it might be confusing to remember what they are equipped with or annoying to constantly ask. Personally I think WYSIWYG should not be necessary, but it should be encouraged IMHO. My own DWK use the Phoenix Terminators as well, but I still armed them with mace and shield.

You should surely apply some bling...

They don't look enough DW to me now... I can accept the swords instead of maces thing (but i would use DA power swords on all of them) but a real DW terminator should at least have the typical ceremonial dagger at the waist...

In addition being them DWK I would add tabards to the waist too and hooded heads... You can consider son DA symbols on the top of the armour at least for the champion...


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