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Anyone using heavy weapons in their tactical squads?


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I don't know... I always equipped my Tactical with heavy weapons. The heavy weapon always has some use even only once or twice per game. In multi melta case, it lets you have a 24 inch if not less no zone for vehicle and usually a show stopper for tank shocking off objectives, lascannon for a side armor opportunity shots or instant death some pesky Meganobz, plasma cannons for heavy anti infantry or a bit of horde, etc etc. It is a bit of a stretch to always want to utilize those heavy weapons all turn in the game. Opponent will try to deny your usage of your heavy weapons and let's be fair, we're not shooting our meltaguns, plasmaguns, flamers,grav guns for all 5-7 turns either, especially if you're jostling for position. Usually i only shot them like 2-3 times. So it's all in the opportunity... and i think for a measly 10-20 pts, it is not bad and shouldn't be skipped. I would rather skip the combi weapons on the sarge than it is the heavy weapon. Then again, I don't take combi weapons on sarges nowadays biggrin.png.

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All my tac squads are armed with heavy weapons. Four with heavy bolter, two with the missile launcher. Two of the tacs have flamers, two with plasmaguns, and the two missile squads with the meltagun. For my Imperial Fists and my style of play (mostly defensive with a bit of rhino rush) this combo lets me compete, if not win. I still get trounced by heavy psyker armies and the living metal of the necrons. Mobs, I tend to break even or win. Heavy armor and flyers give me a bit of trouble if I didn't bring my devs, but who plays IF and doesn't play devastators?


My boys usually ride where ever they need to go so they only footslog it if need be. Thereby utilizing the heavies most often. Plus alot of the time, you can spread out the squad moving forward and leave the heavy in place to fire. Two inch gaps can be pretty big in a ten man squad.


In my opinion, no reason not to field a heavy in your tac squad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always run either multi melta or heavy bolter.


Heavy Bolter in an SOT list hits a lot more than you'd think when snap firin on the move.


Multi melta when used with a melta gun and combi melta has worked great for me.

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I like heavy bolters. They look cool. Also, while they are no longer free, the ability to snapshoot while moving in my mind can compensated little for the higher cost. Snap shots are at BS1, rather than BS4, so hit on 6's rather than 3's. They are therefore one third as likely to hit. As a heavy bolter fires three shots, they will still hit as often as a regular bolter for a squad that moved in this turn, but at higher strength and better AP. Ok, they now cost a few points, but on turns where your squad is stationary, especially when shooting at low armoured enemies, this weapon can be pretty useful.

What I'm saying is that while snapfiring this weapon is no less useful than a bolter, and when stationary is considerably better. It is especially good in a scout squad, when you can also take 2+wound hellfire shells.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heavy bolter Devastators are stealthy-good in any force that uses CT: Imperial Fists. Bolter Drill ensures you hit a lot, and the Tank Hunters rule for the IF Devs means you can glance AV11 to death just about every time you fire.

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Since movement in a tac squad is by the model, having a MM is awesome.  I always try to take a heavy weapon in the tac squad...and a special weapon...BUT


Sometimes the transport is the heavy weapon.  


Las-plas razorbacks.  5 man squad.  Flamer. (Compared to 10 man squad, PG, LC, Rhino, can be cheaper and better).  


Deathwind drop pod.  10 man squad. MG.  CMG.  MM. (Obsec Ultramarines bread and butter)

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I've almost always gone with the Missile Launcher, since it pulls double duty.  now that BA can take the Heavy Flamer, I'm modelling three.  This past tournament they would have pulled significantly more weight than the Missile Launchers

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I've almost always gone with the Missile Launcher, since it pulls double duty.  now that BA can take the Heavy Flamer, I'm modelling three.  This past tournament they would have pulled significantly more weight than the Missile Launchers


H. Flamer should always be your go-to for BA tacs. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that they get ported over to Vanilla marines/DA.

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Ive realized I have never had a reason to fire a ML frag round. I always go for krak. That being said I should probably just swap to MM for vanilla tacs, and forBA there is nothing that compares to the HF.
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Yes I use them.


3x Tac squad with sarge power sword, plasma gun (prefer a flamed but the last two editions plasma is just the better option) and heavy bolter, all mounted and ready to go.

Always did me good and I will always trust them to bring the fight to the enemy, clear, secure and hold a position at all cost.


I don't play competitive anymore (did that to much during 5th edition) loved it but it was giving me headaches at the end, did it for about five years, and decided to make a new nicely painted army with the looks and units I like to play and in the style I like to play.

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