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A couple of questions regarding chaos

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I'm thinking about starting a new chaos army...maybe with daemon allies but I'm not sure yet.  I'm curious as to which mono god cult troop set up would be the strongest?  I kinda lean towards slaanesh and nurgle but I rather like them all.


And with the changes to chariot rules are the slaaneshi exalted/seeker chariots any good now?  


I'm a big fan of psykers/sorcerers, can nurgle/slaanesh be as powerful in the psykic phase as Tzeentch?


Is mass daemon summoning really all that viable?


And last but not least...does the Crimson Slaughter say what mark must be taken?  Or could everything have whatever mark it is you want them to have?  And is the Crimson Slaughter book any good?

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A couple means two. Just throwing that out there for future reference. msn-wink.gif

With CSM, it is more difficult to field a well rounded army with a mono-god build. Slaanesh or Nurgle are both better at it than Khorn or Tzeentch, tho. Of the two, Nurgle is probably the most reliable but I have more fun with Slaanesh. If I play a single mark CSM/CD army you can bet it will be Slaanesh for sonic weapon marines and fast rending attacks with Daemonetts. What really makes them work for me is ... I like the Slaanesh models best. Not only is a Slaanesh only army viable, it is ruthlessly sexy to boot.

Chariots can be hard to maneuver and use to their best effect but I like to take one. Since neither the chariot nor the Herald are all that tough the wound/HP allocation shenanigans don't help as much as they do for necron command barges but it's still nice to have. You can probably find better uses for the points but again, I like the model so I take it.

Tzeentch will always be better at psychic powers than the others. It's what they do. You may as well ask if Nurgel will be tougher than the other or can Slaanesh move faster. Except for the 11th horror in a unit, Tzeentch daemons will rarely invest points specifically for warp dice production. However if you are wanting a combined CSM/CD army, the Tzeentch CSM is hit and miss. Many armies don't care if you paid extra for those AP 3 bolters. Tzeentch has a counter for everything; the trick is to not pay more points than you need for that counter and to deploy them in the right place. And that requires as much luck as it does intuition.

Horde summoning! Yeah, it's viable. Too slow for tourney play but can be fun in casual games. You will take a lot of casualties the first few turns but once you get a couple of units locked in combat, you can churn through the enemy with your re-summoning numbers.

Crimson Slaughter can take any and all marks. Or none. Is their codex good? It adds some tools the basic codex could use but ultimately you are trading the Mace and Brand for Horns and a Heart.

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If you absolutely need to go mono then I'd say Nurgle.


Nurgle DPs, Soul Grinders and Plague Drones for offense and PlagueBearers for Ob.Sec.


Chariots are paper thin even with new rules, but can cause a lot of damage. Slaanesh Exalted Chariot for example does 4D6 HoW Rending hits.

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I would actually say, when it comes to CSM, slaanesh psychic is better than tzeentch. I would argue the tzeentch CSM table is the weakest psychic table. But if you include daemons, tzeentch troops get you more warp charges, so they become better in that respect. 

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If you absolutely need to go mono then I'd say Nurgle.



I don't think I said it right since I was kind of gushing over Slaanesh but one can never go wrong with Nurgle.



Naturally. (No bias).

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Also depend on what you want to paint and how good you are, I've never seen a badly panted Nurgle army, good Slaanesh armys I've seen I can count on one hand. 


I definitely have for the former :lol:


Never spent enough time on DG.org clearly :P

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Also depend on what you want to paint and how good you are, I've never seen a badly panted Nurgle army, good Slaanesh armys I've seen I can count on one hand.


Ehhh.. There's a difference between making your models nurgliciously disgusting and just plain disgusting, count me in for having seen badly painted Nurgle armies.

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I'm still toying with the idea of a Tzeentcian demon force using Crimson Slaughter, where the units all have the Demon special rule (with a minor exception to include Rubic marines). Summoning in Pink Horrors to generate additional Warp Charge just seems like too much fun to pass up, and if you're lucky enough to get Cursed Earth you can get up to a 3++ save on a uniot
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What are the thoughts about using CSM with traitor guard?

That sounds like an interesting idea, most interesting...




But in all seriousness, I love CSM and / or Daemons with ARTILLERY.

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