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Cool Upgrades

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So you're sitting there tinkering away with the plan of your list. You're pretty happy and you think you have most bases covered by one means or another. You've got your firing lines of guardsmen with their special weapons and their voxes, your hydras for AA, your lascannons and your Pasquisher for anti-tank and lots of nice big blast templates for anti-infantry.


But you find that after the latest round of tinkering you have 70 points left over. Hmmmm....not quite enough for another fully kitted out squad or another tank. Enough for that one last bit of cheese you've otherwise eschewed for the giggles maybe...say, a Rapier or some such....?


Question is what is that 70 points (or less indeed) that you now just can't imagine going without? Those little upgrades that don't look like much but make a world of difference? Melta-bombs for the sgts.? Camo nets for the artillery? Those dozerblades? Power weapons here or there? What do people think?

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70 points would buy me another infantry squad, or some Ratlings or even Sentinels ;) For the odd points left over meltabombs for units that will close on the enemy is always useful, or a few extra special weapons for spare PCS/CCS troopers if you have them. When possible I like to spend my points on more units :)

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 I am being a bit hyperbolic, true. To be fair I'm making Kriegiens which are a touch more expensive. Strictly speaking 70 points would buy me a rifle squad. It just wouldn't have any vox or special weapon for example. A problem easily solved by trimming an unnecessary upgrade hear or there to be fair. Really I just ask to see how folk feel about "the little things", if I can put it that way. :)

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Hmmm, Bolters are great for those spare couple of points at the end. Then there's Relic Plating, cheap and sometimes useful. Meltabombs and Flamers are also nice additions. Maybe even Camo Netting on something like my Manticore if there's enough leftover points, or Dozer Blades on advancing units.

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