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Requesting blood angel assistance

War Angel

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Greetings fellow defenders of Terra!


I know two things about blood angels, and it's more speculation really.

1: I think you all have blond hair...

2: your space vampires?


Yup... That's about it. But the problem is, I'm making a late secret santa mini for one of your kind. (I was deployed up until thanksgiving so it's ok that I'm late....)


So I'm making a commander with jet packs, any suggestion on things I can greenstuff, armor details, stuff like that? Thanks guys.


Remember, your not doing it for me, but for one of your own.


As they say in your culture "blood for the-" what do mean they don't say that?

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If the guy you're making the mini for plays the Blood Angels chapter, and not a sucessor, you can't go wrong with winged blood drops. Even if it is a sucessor, blood drops still work. Chalice are good too. Angels also work. It would help if we knew the chapter. Good luck
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Bling is always good, we like ornate armour. In addition to the everpresent purity seals popular accoutrements are wings, blood drops, blood vials (see the DC box) and nipples msn-wink.gif

This thread could give you some inspiration.

Oh and blood for the bl...oody Emperor.

Minor nitpick, we get jump packs. Jet packs are those things the fish heads use to zoom around the battlefield relentlessly.

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Oh bloody hell. In my haste I mentioned an inferior races inferior technology instead of our blessed jump packs. My apologies.


It's going to be a pure blood angel. How would the armor be painted? I'm goin to check that link now. Thanks guys.

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How's duel lightning claws?

Apparently, Brother Claudio likes 'em.


Well he, being an assault terminator, only has the choice between those and a thunder hammer and storm shield. If you go with 2LC, be sure to give him a meltabomb or exchange one LC for a power fist. I don't know how keen you or your friend are on WYSIWYG, but maybe build weapons similar to those of Tyberos and use them as power fist and lightning claw if you prefer symmetry.


BTW a few days agao, this thread popped up in the BA forum.

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I appreciate all of your help so much, I have started the kit bash, and I'm using parts from the death company box.


Last question, what is the blood drop with a single slightly curved wing on it? By that I mean, where do I put this on a model? Would using both the left and right of these look awesome on his helm? Or would it be ok dark angely?. Is it for the shoulders legs.... How do you guys use it?.

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I appreciate all of your help so much, I have started the kit bash, and I'm using parts from the death company box.


Last question, what is the blood drop with a single slightly curved wing on it? By that I mean, where do I put this on a model? Would using both the left and right of these look awesome on his helm? Or would it be ok dark angely?. Is it for the shoulders legs.... How do you guys use it?.

Do you mean these bits? No only would a helm with them look pretty dark angely, the wings would probably also be more oversized than the bat wings on the Nighht Lord helmets. For reference:

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