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Best way to spend 500 points (2000->2500)


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So I've been thinking about expanding my army but I don't know what I should get going from 2000 to 2500 points. I feel that Lords of War are more legitimate and commonplace at this point level, however, it becomes the focal point of an army that can probably make or break it, but are there better options?


As I don't have the Lion yet, I've been trying to brainstorm some ideas that I'd like to be analyzed.


Idea #1.)

Ally in AdMech to get some nice units. I'm thinking a cheap HQ with a minimum thrall squad, 2 Castellax, and a Thanatar.


Idea #2.)

Go the whole hog and get a Legion Glaive tank or a Knight Lancer/Castigator


Idea #3.)

Take 2 predators both with executioner plasma cannons, lascannon sponsons, and power of the machine spirit. Use the remaining 130 points to buff my other squads.


Idea #4.)

Take a Forge Lord in termy armor, cortex controller, rad grenades, thunder hammer, and cyber familiar. Stick him in my spartan with my terminators and praetor and also get an apothecary for extra troll. Use remaining points to get 3 souped up Castellax battle automata.


What do you guys think?

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It'd be helpful to have a list to hand so we have some framework to work from... it may be better placed in the army list sub-forum, also.


I'm taking a 1k Iron Hands force (Orth in a Sicaran, 2x 14 men Tactical squads, Kheres Mortis & a Scorpius) to 1.5k at some point and one of my concept lists adds a Defence Line, 4 more Tactical marines, 2 Apothecaries and a pair of Magna melta/las sponson Predators.

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Well this is my current list:




Praetor - 160

+paragon blade, plasma pistol, digi weapons, combat shield


Master of signal - 95





Rapier Battery (2) - 110

+2 laser destroyers


Cataphractii Terminators (10) - 385

+1 w/Reaper & Lclaw, 1 w/2 Lclaw, 1 w/plasma blaster & power maul, 1 w/chainfist and combi bolter, 6 w/power axes and CBs

+Spartan assault tank - 320

- dedicated transport, flare shield


Contemptor Dreadnought - 185

+plasma cannon





Tactical Squad (15) - 200


Tactical Squad (15) - 200


Support Squad (8) - 185

+8 volkite calivers



Fast Attack


Sky hunter Jetbike Squad (3) - 165

+melta bombs, 1 w/plasma cannon



I can deal with 2+ saves fairly handy and can take on tanks with the Spartan's lascannons, the las destroyers, cc with the dread, a hidden chainfist in the termies for just in case, and melta bombs on the Jetbikes.


The biggest threats I see against this list would be aircraft in the shape of a fire raptor or AdMech. I think I don't have anything specific to deal with Castellax and I quite like them myself for dealing with other marines.


I've played this list downsized to 1500 points against Athrawes and handily won multiple times, but I need to face other opponents to fully give the seal of approval.


What should I get to deal with things I'll see at at the 2500 point level? I'm imagining 20 man buffed tacticals, a super heavy/knight/primarch, and gratuitous amounts of lighter armor like Sicarans, javelins, etc.

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Please give that Spartan armoured ceramite to start with. 


What legion are you playing?

I think I'd be adding some multi-role fire support like a Sicaran or Contemptor Mortis. Both can deal with flyers, light armour and blobs depending on loadout.


With points left, add boots to the existing units and maybe an apothecary if you do get a squad to 20.

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Please give that Spartan armoured ceramite to start with.


What legion are you playing?

I think I'd be adding some multi-role fire support like a Sicaran or Contemptor Mortis. Both can deal with flyers, light armour and blobs depending on loadout.


With points left, add boots to the existing units and maybe an apothecary if you do get a squad to 20.

I'd like to add armored ceramite but I haven't found much justification for taking it since not to many people take melta in 30k anymore.


Sicaran has definitely been suggested and isn't a bad one either, but I doubt it can hold up against super heavies and and Primarchs.


Mortis dread is definitely a good contender if not two or three :D but the new Deredeo Dread might be coming soon and provide a better alternative.


If I did pick a contemptor mortis dread, what weapons would you suggest? I'm torn between kheres, auto cannons, and las cannons. I feel that kheres are nice but too short range and unreliable for penning av12 on test rolls and if it faces an assault ram it will need to be extra lucky.


Auto cannons on it are nice and have a little better odds for destroying a flyer but will have to glance it to death because if ap4. Las cannons seem really good but as I've witnessed, they seem to roll 1's and 2's to pen when I need it most :(

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+5 legionaries, vexilla (60)


+4 legionaries, vexilla (50)


2 x plasma executioner Predators (220)


1 x Contemptor Mortis w/ 2x TL autocannons (165)


Summary: The extra troops will greatly help your fury of the legion shots, the vexilla's are important to prevent failed morale checks. You already paid the premium cost for the units, might as well flesh them out some. Plasma predators are important for long range support against the inevitable primarch/terminator rush you will experience in this point range, and frees up your rapiers and bikes for an anti-armor role. The mortis will help shore up your AA defenses and is a bit more survivable than the Sicarian. I feel like these units give you the most bang for your 500 points.

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Handily won multiple times against me huh? Haha, I seem to recall one win, one loss and one draw...


I've since added a Fellblade (with an alternate Glaive turret i picked up off ebay) so you might want to look towards some heavy firepower to counter it reliably. The Glaive looks pretty awesome and its weapon is phenomenal for tank hunting(although it is a bit limited with number of hits for targeting super heavies), its also more than 600 pts, so you would have to remove some other parts of your list to squeeze it in at 2500. That said, I know you have really wanted those Castellax and a Thanatar, so maybe you should just go with the units that you think are cool.

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Handily won multiple times against me huh? Haha, I seem to recall one win, one loss and one draw...


I've since added a Fellblade (with an alternate Glaive turret i picked up off ebay) so you might want to look towards some heavy firepower to counter it reliably. The Glaive looks pretty awesome and its weapon is phenomenal for tank hunting(although it is a bit limited with number of hits for targeting super heavies), its also more than 600 pts, so you would have to remove some other parts of your list to squeeze it in at 2500. That said, I know you have really wanted those Castellax and a Thanatar, so maybe you should just go with the units that you think are cool.

Oh those terminators were barreling straight for whatever remained of your army had another turn gone on :P but yes you did win one fair and square.


PM me for another rematch soon, I want to finish building stuff so we can play a 2000 point match soon.


+5 legionaries, vexilla (60)


+4 legionaries, vexilla (50)


2 x plasma executioner Predators (220)


1 x Contemptor Mortis w/ 2x TL autocannons (165)


Summary: The extra troops will greatly help your fury of the legion shots, the vexilla's are important to prevent failed morale checks. You already paid the premium cost for the units, might as well flesh them out some. Plasma predators are important for long range support against the inevitable primarch/terminator rush you will experience in this point range, and frees up your rapiers and bikes for an anti-armor role. The mortis will help shore up your AA defenses and is a bit more survivable than the Sicarian. I feel like these units give you the most bang for your 500 points.

I like the extra Mortis dread idea too.


As for the vexillas, I've been using stubborn as my legion rules (because they are Dark Angels and because of not being made by FW yet).

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