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am i the only person who finds this sad

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I don't know you but I have found Khârn or the Juggylord to my satisfaction the past two years. Once they impact on an enemy unit carnage unfolds. Sure the trick is to deliver them into melee but once they are there they perform and perform well. By saying so I mean you can base a strategy upon their performance.


In general I might say that Khorne has a great melee presence in the form of Berzerkers but one must understand that this is a specifically "Fire" army, which means it must burn through an enemy in one or two turns otherwise the game is as good as lost. It is a callous approach to a strategy, it is full of risk and not for the tactical minded player, but it is very effective and direct if performed well.


So far I have found Berzerkers, Khârn and a healthy support in the form of Flesh Hounds of Khrone a great setup and a nice army to play.


Yet one fact remains and it is here to stay, you have to burn through an enemy unit in the turn you charge. That is all there is to it.  


PS: next time try to avoid using so an ambiguous title for a topic lest I will have to edit it. It plays on drama. Here on the Chaos boards we do not support drama nor does the forum policy. Nothing wrong with the argument though...

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How do you find the WS5 on the berserkers?


I've got a set of cc marines I intend to paint red, but am hesitating between khorne chosen and khorne berserkers. The chosen get +1 base attack and more weapon options, but hitting Marines on a 3+ seems respectable too, especially if coupled with VotLW or Preferred Enemy.

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CSM + MoK and IoW with Khârn are pretty devestating assaulting out of a Land Raider or Dreadclaw.


Juggerlord with AoK or even with PF / LC is still the most killy non-named HQ.

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That gets splated by anything with str 10.


Nurgle is better because it takes less wounds from shoting. Both kind of a suck against most targets they have to kill nowadays, but that is more due to the nature of melee and what is at the top right now.

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Bezerkers are great models though!


I don't think they're terrible - but as others have alluded to, it's quite a one dimensional strategy and pivots purely on the ability to keeping breaking squads and moving onto the next. Something which sadly, in this edition, isn't all that common.

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"You'll never believe what Typhus said to Khârn"


"33 things every Chaos Lord hates"


"You'll never believe what happens in this battle report at 7:33"


"When I finished sculpting this new model, I cried"

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All of this is of no importance when 7th Ed rules permits your foe to alligne a Doom Hammer Super heavy tank in a casual 2000pts game...


Yup beginning of my second turn i had only the Heldrake 2 Zerkers and 8 Marines left on the table.


How many Doomhammers did he have? It's only 1 large blast.

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I don't know if it outcombats the best of Khorne units... but no harm in suggesting!


Crimson Slaughter Lord with Mark of Tzeentch, slaughter horns, daemon heart, sigil of corruption, combat familiar and blade of the relentless, supported by crimson slaughter possessed with mark of tzeentch. Alternatively, a sorceror with the same loadout and divination/biomancy focus in place of the Lord.


If all of the variables are met (ie the blade is powered up and the possessed roll a 3 on their d3) then the unit I think would surprise your average berserker. Meeting the variables on the other hand is a different story! (thanks Tzeentch)

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All of this is of no importance when 7th Ed rules permits your foe to alligne a Doom Hammer Super heavy tank in a casual 2000pts game...


Yup beginning of my second turn i had only the Heldrake 2 Zerkers and 8 Marines left on the table.

That's why I still like the Dreadclaw.


Turn 1 Deep Strike into a clear area.


Turn 2 hover in close, have Khârn assault out of it.



Also, digression but Deep Striking Oblits or Mayhem Pack will kill the Doomhammer.

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