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Using heavy weapons from a firing point


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dumb question. But if I fire a lascannon out of the firing point from a rhino that has moved is it a snap shot? The rules say the vehicle is relentless but then also say that if it moves then the troops count as being moved? SOOOOOOO???? man sometimes I hate reading these rules it is like I before E except after C and in Neighbor and Weight.....

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Thank you for the direct answer Kristoff however I was more concerned about the relentless rule that all vehicles have and how it applies to passengers. The logic I was using was that if a Bike made the model relentless then why would a model riding in a more stable platform not hve the same rule applied.

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Owning a modern military bike with a sidecar, I can say with certainty that firing a bow or shotgun as the passenger... well, difficult is an understatement.  And that was on relatively even terrain (not roadway).  Fun, certainly.  But, I'm not a far future genetically engineered super soldier, either.

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