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Knight allies


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I've been doing some thinking about taking Imperial Knights with the Blood Angels. On one hand, they are somewhat able to keep up with the other elements of the army, and are, well, Knights. On the other hand, I've found pie plates to be counterproductive in MEQ lists that want to get up close (I'm assuming a Jump Pack and/or Drop Pod BA army). It's not only the risk of scattering, but also because that gun doesn't do a whole lot once most of your army is engaging most of their army in combat.


While I get that Knights are pretty sweet in melee, I frankly see them often used more like gun platforms until an opportunity presents itself; rather than walking headlong into battle alongside the rest of the army.


Anyway, my thoughts aside, what are your thoughts/experiences with Knights in a BA army?



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I would say that depending on the type of knight would make a bigger difference. I have been playing 2k a lot lately with Gerantus. I always decide to deploy second or get second deployment. I set him up on the flank with most vehicles and just run and shoot and get into combat with vehicles or MEQ as soon as possible.
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Just let them handle a flank where you have less of your own troops? 


Don't forget about thunderblitz when using a super heavy walker! Most people do for some reason.

Yes, most certainly on a flank. However, depending on the army they might just funnel everything against the other side of my army. I understand this whole theoryhammer is a very "if and but" sort of thing, given how circumstantial everything is.


Which variant do you guys prefer? For a solo Knight I'm thinking of just sticking to Gerantius.

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While I get that Knights are pretty sweet in melee, I frankly see them often used more like gun platforms until an opportunity presents itself; rather than walking headlong into battle alongside the rest of the army.


Honestly, I'm looking forward to charging headlong and getting in to cc as soon as possible!  In that way, I think a plain 'ol knight can work great and painted up nice, would look slick too.  It would be fairly intimidating to have a knight closing on you straight up the middle with death co, drop pod dreads and other BA gribblies on its flanks.  I'm hoping to roll a hammer/anvil style with some drop pods deep in the opponents backfield.  List to come though so it may not work as well as I have envisioned.



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While not the most competitive knight, I enjoy running the Knight Lancer with my BA. His fast movement and good CC rules fit my aggressive BA play-style nicely. 


Also, the Lancer can provide respectable anti-air fire in a pinch and is ideal for destroying other super-heavies.

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I like the Knight Errant with my BA. I use it aggressively, pushing forward and trying to get into close combat. It's surprisingly fast, even through difficult terrain, and it draws a lot of attention.


Of course, you have to be prepared to lose the Knight to close range melta fire if you're going to do this, but by the time it goes down it should have done some damage and the rest of your army should be where you need it to be, and relatively intact.

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Of the two Imperial Knights, the Paladin is arguably the better one for us as we are missing high strength blast weapons, but not melta delivery.


Of the Cerastus Knights, the Acheron is supposedly the superior option. For those interested, the current 40k rules for them can be found here.

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