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Emperors children idea? ?

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Hey guys, i was thinking of doing an emperors children army using the current space marine(non chaos) line(and forge world shoulder pads).  I was wondering if it was possible to work? and look good. The emperors children are very ornate , as are the current space marines. any advice would be appreciated. 

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Hey guys, i was thinking of doing an emperors children army using the current space marine(non chaos) line(and forge world shoulder pads).  I was wondering if it was possible to work? and look good. The emperors children are very ornate , as are the current space marines. any advice would be appreciated. 


Yes, you can use standard Space Marines to convert as Chaos Marines.  Check out Forte Slannesh Marines that he currently working on for Call of Chaos.  There also a classic White Dwarf I'll search tomorrow & post the issue number that had a great Slannesh army by John

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Those parts work really well. Mix in a few Chaos parts and you have even more variety. Add in some possessed bits or anything else you can think of and your golden.


Here's how I think when making my EC. Don't ask if it's alright to use a piece. Ask yourself how you can use a piece. Slaanesh EC are very extravagant and individualistic. No one could ever say that you have done the EC incorrectly. Personally, the GW "everything pink and black" would be wrong. Nothing "excessive" about it and a Slaanesh follower would get bored looking like his brothers. Then maybe a bit of resentment may set in, jealous that he doesn't have his unique style, then boom...postal. Who can tell eh.

Just enjoy building and painting at the end of the day :tu:

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Hey guys, i was thinking of doing an emperors children army using the current space marine(non chaos) line(and forge world shoulder pads).  I was wondering if it was possible to work? and look good. The emperors children are very ornate , as are the current space marines. any advice would be appreciated.


Blood Angels have some awesome bits for EC as well. Very ornate, tons of wings 'and things, plus I'm sure Slaanesh loves chiseled armored torsos.

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I'm sure Slaanesh loves chiseled armored torsos.

Especially when torn from the chest of a still breathing victim and worn as a mantle :tu: (sorry, that's the way my Flayers look at things).


Look at the fantasy range too. The Chaos Chariot has some great and very underused parts. And the Dark Elf range has lots of slender and sleek bladed weapons and parts (Dark Eldar too).

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Using the fantasy range to create uniquely braoque armour would work really nicely, there's no reason to stick to an armour mark like you would for a heresy army, I'd go wild using pieces from all over to create really unusual suits of power armour, (if I were to revisit my emperor's children army ever, which is unlikely.


I've recently built some Slaaneshi Possessed with parts from the fantasy helstriders, I quite like using small heads on my marines if bare headed because it makes the armour look so much bigger. I'd say it's all about the little embellishments that really start to set things off. Crab claws and extra arms are all very Slaaneshi too, so there's that to play with too.

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