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New Player, Buylist help

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So im a new chaos player, i want to start an army, i play space wolves, but want an army that is more of a modelling and painting project as opposed to a playing project. 

I am un sure of what legion to paint, but i figured an undivided would let me do squads whatever legion i wanted. 

I am looking for a buy list of things that jive well in lists. I;ve seen biker lords, and they can be quite scary. I also have heard typhus is pretty sweet, and he looks good on paper. To ensure less rambling, ill just post my questions, 


1. what units are viable

2. what should i pick up.

3. is typhus worth the purchase?

4. is abbaddon worth the purchase?

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First there is no such thing as a cult army or an udivided army. There are  BL and Crimson Slaughter supplements, but no one will force you[or care] how you paint them. You could have squads of csm squads from every legion[which don't exist anymore] or even different members of legions in same squads.




1. compering to what? I can tell you what is run in most lists. biker lords, biker sorc, spawn , cheap 5man csm in rhinos , 10 man cultists. Rest of the stuff is build specific. If you take stuff like maulerfiends you need 3 or more of them. If you don't your probably runing MoN oblits.

2. That kind of a depends on how much you want to play chaos and what you want to pick up. CSM are a safe thing to pick up. bikers and spawn not so much. Which means that biker HQ are situationaly good too[good now, kind of a meh in a few months/year]. Problem with CSM is that[well one of the problems] is that most lists right now try to spend as few points on troops[which doesn't mean they have few of them, like some good SW buids] and push all points in to FA/HQs , and those units may not be as good in the future[imagine you play SW and TWC suddenly may suck. do you build a good SW army that works now, which means a lot of TWC or do you make a weaker/weak army for now which may get better?]


There is also a problem of models. There are no official chaos biker hqs and the biker models for chaos are old as hell[and some claim ugly]. A good thing would probably to proxy bikers with your TWC to get a feel of the list and then you have to decide on your own . based on how much cash you have and how offten you will play with chaos. if the cash is there and painting>playing and you don't plan to play that army a lot, I would buy some bikers and spawn.



3. to pain? if you want to paint him yes. to play? not so much

4. no

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thanks jeske, 

what would a biker load out look like, i know what other bikers look like, but not chaos as they got the grav shaft like my space wolves. 

what does a biker sorc look like also, i've never seen anyone run one. And biker lord just black mace? (thats how i see them run . 

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  1. what units are viable
    • Oblits, Noise marines (for blast masters), spawn, basic CSM with minimal options, heldrakes, flying daemon princes, Karn, auto-cannon havoks, jumppack sorc with Burning Brand, Khorne lord with Axe of Blinding Fury on a juggernaut, plague marines, plasma chosen.
  2. what should i pick up.
    • May as well pick up the Dark Vengeance models. Otherwise, just get what you want to play and paint.
  3. is typhus worth the purchase?
    • Thematically, yes.  As a gamer's HQ, no.
  4. is abbaddon worth the purchase?
    • See typhus but not so cool thematically :(
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What others have suggested are good units. I've personally never had luck with the demon prince in this codex; I swear I fail the first 4 out 6 2+ saves I am called on to make (I play Death Guard and play exclusively nurgle stuff). Also, you don't really need 3+ maulerfiends, especially just starting out. I regularly have success running just one, but occasionally throw a second into the list.


Welcome to the dark side!

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Greetings my advise for the buying list of an aspiring CSM player:


2x Rhino

2x CSM Squad

1x Terminator Squad

1x Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor


The rest would probably sum it up with a Dark Vengance set and your preference. Now the above is perhaps the most classic buying order for every Power Armor army out there since it gives you a wealth of option. Jeske would say that the terminators are not worth it but in the long term, every PA army has them, uses them and considering the new books encourages to use them. 


From there on it is as I have said, your preference. Spawn and Bikers are great, so are Obliterators. You can invest in Cult Troops too but for a fun and functional army I think the above is a good core to center things around. 

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Thanks Tenebris!. Cult troops i was waiting to see if any more rumours of plastics dropped

Good idea, I couldn't help it and just bought the new Blood Angels tacticals to use for chaos marines. But they're the last power armor I'll buy until we get any new Chaos Stuff.

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Bear in mind when asking for advice here that jeske plays in hardcore uber-cheese tournament land, so his advice is passed through that particular lens.


If you're doing this more as a modelling project, then go with whatever takes your fancy. I'm also gonna recommend Defilers, because that kit is a beaut to convert, even if it's showing it's age a touch.


Also, have a look through the 2014 Gallery thread, loads of cool stuff in there, generally with links to the project logs where there is even more awesome.




P.S - Welcome to the Long War!

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Shouldn't then I be telling him to stick to SW drop lists and TWC deathstars?


CSM, lords/sorc on bikes or spawn have better alternativs to start chaos with ?


abadon or tyfus somehow became good in 7th ed?



A good way to have nice looking csm is to buy 1 box of GH[you probably don't have to being a SW player] 2 BA tac box , a zerker box.

That gives realy nice modeling options and all the parts fit nicely.

A good thing to get are also old Chaos Warriors boxs, hornless their helmets look realy nice for some chaos troops.

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Now while i was going to go undivided myself however i am also a fan of tzeeeench so bare in mind the stuff i use isnt considered optimal for a tournie


What hqs do you like the look of imo any one of the following hqs is a good starter choice

Chaos lord sorceror prince warpsmith.

Now while i love the appstle i haveny had a chance to use him in 7th and imo he really shines in cultist heavy lists but is kind of meh


Chaos tactical marines are good. Mine will be brought the extra ccw and votlw. I wont bother giving them the mark as its not worth it

Special weapons wise i currently run one squad with dpuble plasma the other dpuble melta bpth are in rhinos

After that everything else is fair game imo

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Thanks Fibonacci, 


When you say CSM troops with minimal options; do you mean like if you want them for range throw a single auto cannon on and the rest vanilla? 

Pretty much.  Just a special weapon and maybe a heavy weapon, but I don't do marks, combi-weapons, powers weapons or true-grit builds.  I'm frugal with the points.  I want my shooters shooting and my choppers chopping and both with as many bodies as possible.

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