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Carmine Blades or Angels Encarmine

Sun Reaver

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With the release of the new Blood Angels codex and kits, I am restarting my BA army. My army will be painted in the scheme of Flesh Tearers but I will be have units allies from the SM codex.


I am unsure on which chapter I want to portray them as. I want it to be a fellow BA successor chapter as the Sons of Sanguinius usually fight alongside one another. I have narrowed it down to the following chapters: the Carmine Blades and the Angels Encarmine.


I like the CB because they are a newer member to the BA and I have yet to see a full army of them done. The scheme is also simple yet striking.


The AE appeal to me because their armor has more black in it so it would give a sense of uniformity to the army as a whole. I also like the idea of white DC and SG.


I wanted to get the community's thoughts and maybe post pictures of the chapters stated above. I'm just looking for inspiration and feedback. Anything would be appreciated.


Thanks boys.

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Fluff wise, the Angels Encarmine and Flesh Tearers aren't on the best terms. One of the many(and more importantly, the only one explained) reasons is the Stromark Massacre. For those unaware, the FT and AE were assigned to bring the Stromark Civil War between the planets Primus abd Secundus under heel.


The Flesh tearers opted for a quick assault with their Death Company to destroy the capital en masse and then let the Death Company hunt down the stragglers.


The Angels Encarmine chose to use allied Imperial Guard regiments to break down Secundus' defenses before going in themselves, something that would take weeks compared to the Flesh Tearers' days.


So when they finished with Primus, the FT allowed the dying planetary leader to launch various orbital stockpiles of nuclear weapons into Secundus, irradiating the surface and killing everyone above ground. This forced the Angels Encarmine to take a more proactive approach, something they did not enjoy doing.

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Red, white helm. Symbol (all white) is a skull, with the top chopped up so it looks like a cup/glass of sort, with 3 drops just above it.


I would assume sergeants might adopt the standard BA colors : yellow icon on black shoulder pads... ?

As for representong assault squads and devs, it seems they follow the Codex...

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