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Daemon Prince


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So this ihing is fast becoming my nemisis. Hyrda doesn't seem to do very well against it and when flying I'm not able to do much. What's the best way to deal with that damned thing.


And tonight's game I faced 2 of them although I brought one done to 1 wound left before we called the game short. Damned psychic phase is really annoying.

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I run a squadron of 3 punishers with heavy bolters and stubbers and pask in the lead one.  (96dice coming at them)  I dont care what your save is, make it 96 times LOL.  Even snapshooting cause I'm shooting a flying creature, the odds are still in my favor. LOL  MATHAMMER for the win.

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The issue is grounding them as Lysere said, if you can do so quickly enough then they're chicken feed for your big guns. Otherwise taking strong AA is the best course of action, something like a Vendetta or two should help clear the skies nicely. Maybe taking some psykers of your own to get more dice to interfere with enemy powers is an idea?

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