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Anyone else love the new bases in the BA kits?


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I never would have thought such a small change could make such a big difference. 


Instantly 50% more badass just for a slightly wider base!

Suddenly my marines actually look physically imposing next to mere guardsmen and gaunts and the like. :)

I know it's going to be a pain but I'm really tempted to order a few packs from fleabay and retrofit the rest of my army (until GW sorts their act out and starts actually selling them themselves!).

Anyone else stoked about marines on 30mm bases? Or is it mostly grumbling about negative game effects and such? 

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I put together a tactical squad this week. I found some of the new models' legs exceed the width of the custom 25mm based I use. From that perspective I'm not a fan, but that's not the base's fault.


I find the smaller bases make the mini look larger, but the larger bases are better for models like Astaroth that are weighted in such a manner they fall over.


I have no concerns about gameplay effects yet, but it brings a smile to my face to stack 10 models on the new bases on top of a rhino. :)

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I much prefer the 32mm, especially on Jump unit, one that we need bigger and more badass (like DC). I haven't done alot yet, but I plan on rebasing pretty much everything except for Scouts and such. I'm still not sure about normal tactical since I may want to make a difference between them and DC or Assault. 

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Absolutely love the new bases, more room to make more scenes can bases plus the marines no longer have there feet hanging over the edges. It does make them feel more imposing by that simple fact alone. Even the guys at my store who saw my marines on the new bases said that they just look bigger and more like marine s should because of the base, even though the models are not actually bigger. Only thing I cold hope,for,next but is not likely is if they were to,redo the marines into a more realistic size compared to other human models in the range.
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BEFORE you order, take a look; it is what I am going to do to save damaging my finished dudes -




I like the new base size, the only thing stopping me from chaning really is storage as I have a lot of battlefoam I would have to modify. They do look so cool however......

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I loved them. Then I realise it makes it harder to hide units behind LOS blocking terrain.

Now I don't love them.

I think there is a trade off there because the larger bases generally mean less hits from blasts. I think it's a pretty even trade.

Also means fewer guys in base to base contact/close enough to fight.

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I love the new bases so far. My darn Sanguinary Guard, JP Librarian and Dante would NEVER stay standing in my games; so the timing was just right for me. So far LOS/cover or Base contact 'issues' have not really been a factor, but losing the no-scatter Deep Strike with Dante does make DS a tad more scary.


I went one step further and decided to make Resin (32mm) bases; if you're interested: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-to-create-your-own-32mm-resin-bases.html

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