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Imperial Knights - Yet Another New Project

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Hi Guys.


So I've been bitten by the Inperial Knight bug. I've decided to start a Household of my own. Still nailing down the background, but in the meantime I have another question.


I want to make these models really stand out, and I remember seeing an incredible model that had glowing eyes and a flicker effect on their flamer/melta thing. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to go about doing this? If also be interested in seeing what weird and wacky stuff others have done with their Knight models :)


Looking forward to the responses already :)

T.m. projects

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That'd be using LEDs, if you're comfortable with some electronic work. The good thing about Knight models is aside from being awesome (I'm a new recruit too) they're quite large, so such modifications are easier for it :D Looking forward to seeing your Knight :tu:

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Having recently had a similar discussion I'd say go with a house, unless you want each Knight to be completely different. Knight Houses can do all sorts if you want them to, so having a house presents you with more options in the long run I think :) For my house's Knights I plan on featuring quite a bit of unique heraldry for the suit/pilot, similar to real knightly heraldry in style. Should I get another Knight I can then do completely different bits for some variety, having my cake and eating it basically! :D

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Well, an eccentric house it is then.


Have a vague fluff outline:

-Honour of being a pilot not hereditary, but earned in a gladiatorial tournament. Anyone can enter.

-Each Knight allowed their own livery as long as certain areas of their armour show the house colours

-Each knight also bears a number as well as a name. Story is that names interchange depending on the pilot, but the number identifies the chassis.

-Names and numbers:


1. Green Goddess

2. Northern chief

3. Southern Maid

11. Black Prince


A cookie to whoever can guess where these names come from without using Google :)

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Sounds like a feudral meritocracy of some sort. I like the idea. There could even be regular tournaments back on the homeworld where open spots are filled and challengers attempt to dethrone sitting knights. Each knight could even have duties related to some kind of holding or land they control by virtue of their position but have to answer the alpha-knight's (king?) call to war. Run with it.

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Does anyone have experience of the powered play gaming stuff? They seem to be the best people to get lighting stuff from as it's essentially plug and play and you can do wacky stuff with them (I'm thinking flicker effect for inferno cannon) which appeals to me.


The cookie is still on offer if I have any more guesses about the names lol :)

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The cookie is still on offer if I have any more guesses about the names lol :)

It's definitely familiar but I'm not certain why... I want to say it's something to do with trains (if that's right I've probably heard it from my father/uncle-in-law, as they were/are very into steam trains)? Could be totally wrong though! :P

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The cookie is still on offer if I have any more guesses about the names lol :)

It's definitely familiar but I'm not certain why... I want to say it's something to do with trains (if that's right I've probably heard it from my father/uncle-in-law, as they were/are very into steam trains)? Could be totally wrong though! :P
You sir, win the cookie :)


(I'm assuming you are a sir there lol, correct me if wrong :))


They are named after the locos on the RHDR railway in Kent

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