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A month in, are people happy with the new Codex?


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None of these would have sold well if it wasn't for the codex. That's why you don't see Imperial Fist terminator boxes with all the bling that we get. From a business point of view, you'd want people to buy Blood Angel specific squads, but then why take away everything that was unique about them and shove it into C:SM? This would be counterproductive. Take away the stand-alone codex and you take away the playerbase's motivation to buy specific models,  they'll be just for the looks.

I don't understand your logic there. Blood Angels would buy chapter-specific termie models, but Imperial Fist players wouldn't do the same thing... why, exactly?


Actually, I'd love our furiosos to be like Ironclads if we kept the frag cannon. Increased AV and some of the options sound pretty good. Also, a seismic hammer allows for some nice conversions.

Yep. If Ironclads can just get the Venerable upgrade, we're golden.


I agree with you on the speeders and the flyers - but they could be worked in, I think. Just allowing them in a DW/RW detachment would do, actually. Even opening them up to the C:SM players wouldn't be too farfetched. Change fluff where needed, annoy everyone, boost sales. Boom. In the end, both BA and DA could be worked in, I just don't think it will happen.


I supposed it could happen, but they'd have to crowbar DA in far more than BA.

Ah, but let's not forget the other changes: Sanguinary High Priests as HQ(like back in 3rd edition), Dante's immense buff(axe+EW), psychic discipline(they gave that to the other codizes too, alright) and heavy flamers on tacticals! Effectively we have one more generic HQ(regarding MoF and techmarines as the same thing...) and beefed up troops - and I can remember reading most of this in various wish-listing threads throughout the last year and before.


The Sang Priests, maybe, but Dante was clearly not up to par before, so it was kinda obvious he was going to get a boost. Psychic disciplines is, as you said, not a BA-specific thing. And I'm fully expecting SM will get HF for their Tac Squads too, once they get their new dex.


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And I'm fully expecting SM will get HF for their Tac Squads too, once they get their new dex.

Seeing as it is not on the relatively recent vanilla tactical kit I doubt it myself, it'll be one of the little things that BA have as it is also nice and fluffy for us too! smile.png

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It would be nice if salamanders could get them in the next codex. It's kinda silly they don't. I never realized how easy it is to make a blood angels assualt list. I mean I black templars and the only feasible way to get into assualt is by getting into a LRC. And that unit at best can only handle a tactical squad.
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Seeing as it is not on the relatively recent vanilla tactical kit I doubt it myself, it'll be one of the little things that BA have as it is also nice and fluffy for us too! smile.png

The Tactical box has been redone every single time a new SM dex has been released, so I fully expect it'll get redone next time around too.

As for being fluffy: it'd be a heck of a lot more fluffy for Salamanders to get them, truth be told.

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