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Greatest BA Victories with the new Codex


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Even before Blood Angels got their new book, one of my old standbys was two Space Marine Scout squads, each with 4 Scouts and a Sgt, all armed with BP/CCW, plus a MB on the Sgt. Each of these squads were super cheap and came in at the price of 4 Power Weapons each, giving me a decent CC threat, an anti-vehicle threat (Kraks and MB), and an Objective Secured unit. I would then load them into two Storm Ravens and bring in the whole force for anti-flyer, andti-tank, and objective seizing late game.


Now that Blood Angels have cheaper scouts (same as Codex: Space Marines) and they get Furious Charge for free, this makes this tactic even better! Also, if i want I can buff these Scouts with an attached Corbulo (FNP to one squad and +1 WS/Initiative to both squads), making them actually quite solid in assault (16 WS4, S5, I5 attacks on tghe charge each), all for still quite reasonable points cost.

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How so about the Librarian Dread? I can imagine that with The Quickening he can be quite a close combat threat, but I am still curious as to how you employed him?


Put him in a storm raven and aim him at things you want dead. Just like we used to do with Mephiston (except slightly less dependent on psychic powers going off).

Losing WS6 sucked, but old school furious charge and (almost) dedicated CC psychic school with excellent primaris more than makes up for it.


Then there's the melta or flamer upgrade. Might seem like a minor detail but it's such a great addition.


He's not the solution to every problem, but I think the Lib dread is one of the very few units in our new codex capable of punching above his weight. Most other units are somewhat capable and will dominate when put to use in the right place. In typical marine fashion they will triumph thanks to endurance or having a slight edge over similar units. Lib dread however is able to take on models and units much more expensive and still come out on top. 

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Played my first game with blood angles in a year back in 2014. It was apocalypse and it was imperial vs non imperials. My death company were leading my death company marines telling them that horus isn't around when the chaplain becomes extremely confused when he sees horus. And not just horus there was ferrus and fulgrim there as well. After that my chaplain though he fell to the black rage and I was allowed to sub him in for lemartes after that. I deep struck a 10 man assault squad with two melta guns behind a chaos bane blade with one hull point left... But I though it was It was imperial so I fought the tau commander thingy with 2+ save. Dante and sanguinary guard got stuck fighting a blood thirster not being able to cause any damage to the thirster. Fun game we still one as well.
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