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Decided on A Legion

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Hey guys , so i've decided I'm going to do night lords. I have all sorts of bits and the forge world pads and heads on order. 

I need an opinion on obliterators though. The common trend for NL seems to be 2 dudes with special weapons on a 40mm base. 
I do like this, but i was curious as to if anyone had any different versions of it(that stray away from the standard flesh metal obliterator)

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Oh, there certainly are viable alternatives. You could always use terminators as a base and go from there. If that doesn't strike your fancy, I once saw a great Obliterator conversion using the new plastic Ogryn, so you could try that. Or chaosify some centurions. 

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So do Obliterators really, but ultimately they're Astartes they will use everything.


I second Secutors. I have a trio and they are truly imposing, sinister models. They could be easily evilled up as they already look so creepy.


Plus their axes are taller than a Legionary. Nngggh.

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