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G'har 'la 'hathis, Greater Daemon of Nurgle


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Hello again,


I would like to introduce you to G'har 'la 'hathis greater daemon of Nurgle. Spreader of many pox, patron saint of undeath in the corrupt under hive in some obscure parts.

This winged monstrosity has been brought low in battle but like any virus or bacteria it takes only a microscopic amount to bring him back.


Fear the pox bringer:






I shall endeavour to add a scale shot. Suffice to say that a marine just about comes up to his waist.

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Did....did...Did you put the flesh back on a terrorgeist?


I like how the side view of the head reminds me of a (rotten) deep-sea fish. Excellent work!

Yes and the flesh started to slough off again. . I dunno, I guess the green stuff was just rotten lol

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