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Thoughts on -not so- Epic Roster (anymore) website?


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Hi everyone, 

I am new here (and pretty much new to 40k).

I have played one single game with my Excess themed army (and got beat soundly by the bf's Nurgle marines). I built my list partially with the Codex and partially with this website called http://www.epicroster.com. It has a few points wrong here and there but it seems like a good way to build an army on the fly from anywhere.

Anyways, I think it looks cool with its doodle/scrawl  theme. Once you get the hang of it it's fun and easy to build squads to get an idea of how many points they're going to run you for. You can save your rosters and bring them up/edit them later. It also allows you to share your list and print it.

Speaking of which, this is my (1500 pts) list:

1498 Pts Chaos Space Marine
Terminator Sorcerer (150 Pts) FgGren, KrGren, Terminator Armour, Force Weapon, Combi-bolter, Mark Of Slaanesh, Addition Mastery Level(2), , 
Lucius The Eternal (165 Pts) FgGren, KrGren, Doom Siren, Power Sword, Armour Of Shieking Souls, Lash Of Torment, , 
Noise Marines (331 Pts)
- Noise Marine (9): FgGren, KrGren, Bolt Pistol, Bolter(2), Sonic Blater(7), Blastmaster(2), Icon of Excess, ,
- Noise Champion (1): FgGren, KrGren, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Gift Of Mutation, Doom Siren, ,
Fast Attack
Raptors (185 Pts)
- Raptor (4): FgGren, KrGren, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Melta gun, Mark Of Slaanesh(5), Icon of Excess, ,
- Raptor Champion (1): FgGren, KrGren, Bolter, Lightning Claw(2), Gift Of Mutation, ,
Chaos Terminators (282 Pts)
- Chaos Terminators (4): Combi-bolter, Chain Fist, Pair of Lightning Claw(3), Mark Of Slaanesh(5), Icon of Excess, ,
- Terminator Champion (1): Lightning Claw, Lightning Claw, Gift Of Mutation, ,
Chaos Terminators (285 Pts)
- Chaos Terminators (4): Power Weapon, Combi-bolter(2), Chain Fist(2), Pair of Lightning Claw, Combi-flamer, Mark Of Slaanesh(5), Icon of Excess, ,
- Terminator Champion (1): Chain Fist, Combi-melta, Gift Of Mutation, ,
Helbrute (100 Pts) Multi-melta, Power Fist, , 
Heavy Support
Created by epicroster.com
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For an army builder app I want to throw my vote in with Battlescribe. It's been good to me but I always double check with the codex and FAQs GW or FW put out when it comes to my armies. Never hurts to double check.


If you don't mind I would like to make a suggestion regarding your list to maybe try out during a game. Your Noise Marine squad, break it down to two or if possible three 5-man squads with a blastmaster each and no other upgrade. This was the backbone of my Emperor's Children army. It's relatively cheap and deadly. You will want to put each squad in a nice vantage point and try to arrange it so your BM is in the back of the squad. Then use the Single Frequency of that weapon on infantry and even some vehicles. The AP value makes a mess of a lot of troops and the strength can crack quite a bit of armor out there. Plus, with pinning and ignoring cover it is gravy. Plus, you have up to three blast masters that can shoot at different targets since each is in its own separate squad.


Also, how do you use Lucius? Does he run up the field with some Termies going after enemies?


and if you really want to bone up on Emperor's Children strategy I'd recommend the Making Noise Marines Scream strategy thread.


Glad to have you here and have fun with 40k!

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For an army builder app I want to throw my vote in with Battlescribe. It's been good to me but I always double check with the codex and FAQs GW or FW put out when it comes to my armies. Never hurts to double check.


If you don't mind I would like to make a suggestion regarding your list to maybe try out during a game. Your Noise Marine squad, break it down to two or if possible three 5-man squads with a blastmaster each and no other upgrade. This was the backbone of my Emperor's Children army. It's relatively cheap and deadly. You will want to put each squad in a nice vantage point and try to arrange it so your BM is in the back of the squad. Then use the Single Frequency of that weapon on infantry and even some vehicles. The AP value makes a mess of a lot of troops and the strength can crack quite a bit of armor out there. Plus, with pinning and ignoring cover it is gravy. Plus, you have up to three blast masters that can shoot at different targets since each is in its own separate squad.


Also, how do you use Lucius? Does he run up the field with some Termies going after enemies?


and if you really want to bone up on Emperor's Children strategy I'd recommend the Making Noise Marines Scream strategy thread.


Glad to have you here and have fun with 40k!

Thank you for the advice. I was looking for an online "on-the-fly" army builder for when I am at work (and can't install any app on the computer) or at a friend's house and such. As Aspiringchaoschampion pointed out, the list has a few mistakes, for example noise marines, when you print their stats, show up as Initiative 3 and Toughness 5 (lol). Otherwise it allows me to have an idea of the point cost. I will download BattleScribe at home and try it out though!

Anyways, as for what I am bringing for 1500 pts, this is a test list (only has one troop) that I ran in the only game I played so far. My noise marines got slaughtered by a Burning Brand of Skalathrax shot out of a rhino (I QQed hard at that one).

I am thinking of bringing 15 more noise marines and their champion. I have 15 FW Kakophonis and they all have sonic blasters. My thought was to kit them all with sonic blasters and give their champion no upgrades at all. I know that blast masters are awesome, but they are expensive and I would rather have these 15 guys be less of a threat/target. MEanwhile, I am painting a rhino to hide my 10 current noise marines which pretty much have every single upgrade I could put on them. This would allow me to fire both blast masters while keeping them safe and allowing me to be a but more mobile.


As for Luciius... Lucius is fluffy. An fluff is super fun/important to me. I am too new to the game to have any good idea of what my strategies should be and instead I focus on bringing cool units on the battle field. My army is all painted quite nicely (to my taste) and I just enjoy seeing them.

(This is them http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/album/10350-slaanesh-army-by-dezillusion/)


I also want to bring a Land Raider for my "lightning claws" termies. I know that all together this will amount to more than 1500 but point limits isn't what I am focusing on. I think I have 2600-ish pts worth of models and I'm still figuring out what I wanna bring to a fight.


Again, any advice is super welcome! So far everyone here has been super positive and helpful and I really appreciate it.

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