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++ Slaves to the Voices - Crimson Slaughter ++


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There was a short story "the Tyrant's Champion" by Sarah Cawkwell about a Red Corsair who was originally III Legion.

In it he describes his armor has having been painted "a variety of shades from blazing scarlet of the helm to the arterial crimson of the boots"


While it's only one example, it makes sense that a Marine would inevitably take something of his past along with him be it painting his armour in different shades of the warbands colour to Word Bearer carving cuneiform into his shoulder guards or a World Eater hanging skulls off his belt and incorporating god runes into his armour design.

Then again there is the Black Legion Supplement approach which has strikes of colour added to the armour for Slaanesh, Khorne and Tzeentch as well as different levels of ornamentation. The Nurglites are as expected kinda worse for wear.


If I add some Death Guard plague marines to my warband I'd definitely use red for their armour but with plenty of rust, aged gold trim and assorted nasty stuff.


Hope that helps as I'd love to see what you guys  (and the voices) do with the Cult troops :devil:

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Also while I know there aren't many of us compared to the Legions, I've made a small banner for my sig that we could use in place of the rather cool Legion badges.

I know it's not the best ever but hope you guys like it. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Order of the day. Check the following facts/aspects of the Renegade geneseed. Comment if anything should be added or removed. This is a discussion on the genetic specifics of the Renegade geneseed, not about the tactics or the traits of the legion, just of its biological template. Provide the title of the resource if you recall where the fact was written. 



  • the majority of the geneseed in a Chaos warband
  • harvested from both loyal and traitor astartes
  • unknown physical and psychological traits
  • prone to mutation and degradation
  • implantation idiosyncratic to every warband
  • preparation and harvesting reliant on the technological capacities of the warband
  • the geneforging and the indoctrination processes are prone to failure
  • the resulting astartes possess a wealth of talents and demeanor which can be defiant of standards
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Crimson Slaughter are pretty unique in the fluff, their geneseed has three differing sources, those from the brothers former Crimson Sabres, and taken from Fabius Bile's experiements. The geneseed from Fabius Bile is flawed, and led to a higher incidences of Possessed. They also had geneseed stolen from the Dark Angels via a raid on Numarc

(Crimson Slaughter Codex)

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Indeed, my idea of posting here is that the CS are the most modern of the traitor and renegade forces and hence on par with the Red Corsairs (which have no community so far) as the best place to discuss the current practices not only of the CS but of the traitor legions in general. The "chimeric" geneseed is considered the umbrella term for the current geneseed used by the majority of the Chaos forces due to the corruption and the mutation of their own. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ok, so I've been missing out a lot by assuming that the Chaos Spawn set were Finecast with limited options, now I've been corrected, I'm looking for ideas on how other people represent Chaos Spawn in a warband as new as the Crimson Slaughter.

So far, my early effort has led to this, though I feel I probably should have merged red instead of purple to get a little closer to the remaining colours in my warband's pallete. That said, I am not disappointed with the technique on this one! By building the colours in layers and in patches, before lightly drybrushing away from the areas, I've ended up with a pretty nifty effect IMO


Chaos Spawn One After 1

Chaos Spawn One After 2

Added the HDR shot as a comparison, the flash shows up the reflective colours on the model better, but this gives a closer image of "normal" light

Chaos Spawn One After 3



Edited by Lucio
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looking awesome Lucio, and just to echo the colour transitions are bang on.


I wouldn't worry too much about Spawn, the Crimson Slaughter have a Space Hulk full of them to round up as needed as well as some of Fabius less stable creations kicking around. Can't wait to see what you create next!

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Whilst I don't intend to clutter the Crimson Slaughter thread with all these images, I've tried a darker colour scheme on the next spawn. It's not quite as dramatic as the first, but has a colour pallete closer to my main army.

I've got three more to complete, one more based on the River troll body, and the other 2 being the standard spawn body, torn between painting each one in a different supplementary colour, or picking one of the 2 and making the rest look the same, with the odd one out being the squad "leader"

Chaos Spawn Two After 1

Chaos Spawn Two After 2

Chaos Spawn Two After 3

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Look at this old boy right here, perched atop of his glass of whiskey like a boss!   I assume it's whiskey.. that's what does me the best when I'm painting Chaos at least.  


I love the model too!  He clearly had too much to drink as well ;)  The blend on his back looks real nice.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys couple of questions

1) I'm thinking of turning some of my tactical marines to chaos would it be unusual for crimson slaughter marines to not be mutated? My thinking is new recruits

2) what are the crimson slaughters opinions on daemons is it unfluffy to include them etc

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Guys couple of questions

1) I'm thinking of turning some of my tactical marines to chaos would it be unusual for crimson slaughter marines to not be mutated? My thinking is new recruits

2) what are the crimson slaughters opinions on daemons is it unfluffy to include them etc

1) Tactical Marines could be used in a number of ways, for example they could be captured suits of armour repurposed, or some of the older reserved suits finally bought back into use. I've certainly used normal Tactical Marine parts for Marines by swapping the backpacks out for Chaos Backpacks. As for mutations, the Crimson Slaughter do have a higher than normal number of Possessed, but that doesn't necesarily translate into more mutations.


2) As for Daemons, I've always included them as a natural progression alongside the Possessed, particularly as they have an artifact which helps in daemon summoning.

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Games Workshop has just release three painting guide video over on youtube for the Dark Veneance box set.  I think there aim toward new people toward the hobby?  There really great & I always find have a lot great tips.

I've posted up a topic link these video by here



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What is a Crimson Slaughter marine?

The identity of a Crimson Slaughter Marine is the same as any other Space Marine, Chaos or Loyalist, it's bound up in an assumed set of traditions, behaviours and rituals that group them in a brotherhood. Whilst geneseed plays a part of the physical identity, and a Marine might be said to be of Crimson Slaughter stock, unless they chose to act the part, then they're not Crimson Slaughter.

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A Chaos Marine of the Crimson Slaughter is also subjected to the curse. In the codex supplement it seems like even the newer generation who have Dark Angels Geneseed rather than Crimson Saber Geneseed hear voices.

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A Chaos Marine of the Crimson Slaughter is also subjected to the curse. In the codex supplement it seems like even the newer generation who have Dark Angels Geneseed rather than Crimson Saber Geneseed hear voices.


Or they are also married to my wife, whose voice I hear constantly... at work, at home. No geneseed required. I believe a relationship with any of her family would grant one to have 'the curse'.


Seriously? To me a Crimson Slaughter marine is part of something very rare in chaos. A very coherent, military capable engine of war. A tinge of crazy perhaps, but not the same misfit, lost souls that seems to plague so many 'orphaned' chapters.

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