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Pauls Khorne Blog

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Bat reps and fluff galore may even try and include some army pics once i have a better camera.

Now i have always liked Khorne but i alwats went with the safe bets tzeench nurgle slaanesh or undivided. Well thanks to seeing how one of the guys who comes into my local gw regulary doing well with a world eaters army i decided to bite the bullet and make my army mono khorne.


Now i had 2 games with my 1500 point khorne list today a loss vs blood angels and a draw vs world eaters. Now vs the blood angels i made a few mistakes ie around turbs2/3 when i charged mephiston with my blind fury lord and zerkers i should of done a disordered charge and tried to get in combat with the sanguinary guard as well.

I also made the mistake of not casteling up when i knew he had a drop pod in his list. I stupidly spread my army out.


Now fluff wise my khorne chapter/ "legion" isnt going to be your typical rah rah blood for the blood god type. They are going to be honourable warriors who have learnt to master their anger and rage into a cold fury which they unleash when fighting hand to hand. Now because of this bezerkers are rare amongst my khorne followers and they are basically those who couldnt control their anger and rage. Funnily enough my chapter/ "legions" captains/warbands use them as body guards.

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