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Terminator sgt question


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Quick question for a beginner...when looking at the terminators entry in the BA codex (might be the same as space marine codex but I'm not sure and I don't visit that forum so I'm posting here), I notice that it seems to say that a terminator sergeant basically has a power sword and storm bolter and can't change these. Under options it says "any model may replace his power fist with a chain fist" however under wargear it says "power fist (terminators only)"  and "power sword (terminator sergeant only)", so I guess the chainfist thing doesn't apply to the sergeant. Also, with upgrading to an assault cannon etc it only says "one terminator may..." without specifying that this may be your terminator sergeant. So am I right in assuming the only possible combination of weapons for our terminator sergeant is storm bolter and power sword? I'm not worried by it, it simply makes a difference to what I'm doing with magnetizing.


Thanks in advance :)

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I guess it makes it an easy choice then really, and if your magnetising then one less model to magnetise since hie gear is fixed.


Having to choose a sword also makes it easier modelling wise since that's what comes in the box, instead of needing to hack off a chaos terminator arm with a power axe or maul (i was planning on doing that but couldn't be bothered, glad i didn't bother since that's now illegal lol).


Obviously choice is always better, but sometimes its nice not having to fiddle and cut+greenstuff for every single model you get.

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