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Conversion Help!


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Hey BandC, 

So I've started my conversion of night lords. Online i see a lot of people put vampire count skeleton skulls on the knees of there night lords, i was curious as to how they got them to sit so nice and flush, I'm having great difficulty with this, (I'm also using a rounded knee). Any help would be appreciated


also i'd appreciate any other ideas for converting up night lords. (I'm specifically looking for the kit that has the hand holding the 2 severed heads)

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I want to say cutting out a lot of the back of the skull into a flat surface and a bit of the knee pads should do most the trick. Just size it up to make sure it will be snug and lines up nicely before gluing.


As for converting ideas, there can be plenty abound for chaos. What look do you want to go for for your Night Lords? How do you see the bulk of them? how do you imagine those that lead them? With some answers to that you can run wild from there.

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For the skulls, cut a little of the back of the skull then use a file to reduce it the amount you really want. Then use the file to flatten the area you're gluing to for a better bond. Bit of green stuff for any gaps you don't want. Take your time though as it's easy to remove too much or slip and get a finger.


As for other ideas, you can try the following:

  • Forge World Night Lords heads and shoulder pads
  • Chaos Raptor weapons
  • Adding flayed skin/ faces (every model in every army should have these. Even Ultrasmurfs. But I'm bias)
  • Helmets without horns
  • Look at the various ranges for severed body parts

And locate a topic called ++MURDER CALL++. It's full of Night Lords (NL) players and fans.

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also i'd appreciate any other ideas for converting up night lords. (I'm specifically looking for the kit that has the hand holding the 2 severed heads)


Skaven Storm Vermin kit



It also worth checking out Forgeworld web site for kits like this



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And locate a topic called ++MURDER CALL++. It's full of Night Lords (NL) players and fans.

It's still on the first page and you can find a link in the second post of the pinned topic X ++CHAOS SPACE MARINE RESOURCES++ X.


Also, bookmarks are your friends for future use if you plan on revisiting a topic often. :D

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Thanks guys for the feedback, and the storm vermin kit, awesome, i didn't even think it would be skaven. i checked DE , VC, TK. I do have the terror squad heads and shoulder pads coming my way though 

My vision is to kind of visualize what i think the night lords are about. Scare Tactics, Shock and Awe Guerrilla Warfare. Adorned with grisly trophies. I want them to almost emulate the vibe Curze gave off.(in a side note, i do plan on using curze as a daemon prince model) In the dark king, it talks about how Curze basks in the fear that the marines keeping watch on him, even though they weren't supposed to feel fear, he made them feel it.  Know what i mean?

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One other tip for knee pad replacements, cut or file the kneepad so that it has a flat surface as well, cut to your desired depth first in line with the knee, then cut down from the top to meet it. Filing gives better control, but takes a lot longer
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