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Vlâd does Lamenters!? Badab Blog - Chaplain Vared + more!

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Yes I am back and yes I am going to be making a YELLOW army! Fear not my Iron Warrior Brothers, its nothing to do with Imperial Fists tongue.png I am making a small Lamenters force to take part in a Badab War Campaign at HATE (Hackney Area Tabletop Enthusiasts) Club.

I'm looking to start with about a 1000 point force and as most of the games will be played using Zone Mortalis rules, so I won't be using any vehicles as of yet (apart from maybe a Dread). The force will mostly contain troops from the 3rd Company and this is what I want to start of with:


Brother Captain Goriel

Terminator Armour with Power Sword

Death Company Captain Boreas (former 8th Company Champion)

Artificer Armour with Power Axe "Vengeance Bringer"

Epistolary Tarkis

Terminator Armour with Force Sword

Reclusiarch Lazarus

Terminator Armour

Chaplain Vared

Power Armour with Power Fist

Calix Priest Choraen (Sang Priest)


Terminator Squad Venatus - 5 Terminators

Sergeant Venatus with Power Sword

1 with Heavy Flamer, 1 with Chain Fist

The Blackened - 5 Death Compnay

1 with Power Sword, 1 with Power Fist, 1 with Inferno Pistol

Ancient Delvarus - Furioso Dreadnaught

Frag Cannon, Power Fist, Heavy Flamer & Magna Grapple


Tactical Squad Reznor - 10 Tactical Marines

Vet. Sergeant with Chainsword & Melta Bombs, 1 with Heavy Flamer, 1 with Meltagun

Tactical Squad Gideon - 5 Tactical Marines

Vet. Sergeant with Combi-Grav & Melts Bombs, 1 with Grav-gun

Heavy Support:

Devastator Squad Karos - 5 Devastators

Vet. Sergeant, 1 Heavy Bolter, 1 Multi-Melta 1 Missile Launcher, 1 Plasma Cannon

PS My Iron Warriors will return!msn-wink.gif

I forgot to mention that I need to buy models of the models first XD - A copy of Deathstorm for the Captain, Death Company & Dread, plus BA Tac squad & BA libby. Anyways here is a mock up of Chaplain Vared to keep the baying crowd happy msn-wink.gif


Components: Death Company Torso/Backpack, FW Night Lord's MK IV Head, Assault Marine Power Fist, Dark Angel Power Mace, Khorne Bezerker Legs and some Grey Knight accessories.

Need to clean him up a bit, modify the mace and add a Rosarius. Plus of course base him, gonna be doing Space Hulk style bases.

PS they may be "throne loyal" but I chose them cuz they sided with the bad guys! devil.gif

PS they may be "throne loyal" but I chose them cuz they sided with the bad guys! devil.gif

That's always the "party-up" side msn-wink.gif

Lazarus is also looking good! I have never thought to use those helms for chaplains but it definitely looks menacing & fitting for one of such office.

Great news, today I picked up a copy of Deathstorm, Blood angel tactical squad, Blood angel librarian & a SM tactical squad + lots of yellow paints, all from dark sphere in London. Now I can't wait to get started! Pictures soon!

May I present to you Brother Captain Goriel of the Lamenters 3rd Company :) Made from the Ltd ed BA captain from shield of Baal, can't remember which kit the head is from though... (i don't like the BA bare heads with the silly mop) Also a GK force sword. Need to remove all BA icons & sculpt on some lamenters icons + fill any gaps & make a cool "space hulk" style base.



Can you use the Baal Strike force for this campaign? I am unfamiliar with the Badab war books so I don't have a clue on army compostion. The +1 initiative on the charge is great for combat armys, and it looks like your army is combat focused. 


Also really loving the sword conversion!

I love that sword. It looks really good on that mini. I know what you mean about BA hairdos, too, and I think eschewing them for your Lamenters is a good descision.

Looking forward to seeing more of this project!

PS they may be "throne loyal" but I chose them cuz they sided with the bad guys! devil.gif

I'm pretty sure they sided with the rightful ruler of Badab and his honour-sworn battle brothers in defiance of the dogs the high lords sent to crush his secession from their incompetent dominion, in point of fact. tongue.png

Cheers guys :)


@ Sanguinata - yes I believe so, as they make use of the BA codex, check out the FW website for updated Chapter rules.


@ A Kvlt Ghost - They are still rebels :P Yeah a Mohawk or cru-cut is much more badass!

So here's another update on Goriel - Attached his Sword, added a shield from GKs, added an " Iron halo"that also needs a heart sculpting on it. Also made a start on his base, it's a bit plain though, so I might use it on a normal termi & make him a more impressive 1.




Next is a mock up of Brother Sergeant Reznik - 1st Tactical Squad, 3rd Company. He's made from BA/SM tac parts & death company arms... As I only have 15 32mm bases, I'm not quite sure how to use them yet... Will look weird having my tac marines on 32mm & my chaplain on 25mm. So I might just use them on my Character models & HQ + maybe my death company.



Mock up of Brother Sergeant Karos - 9th Devastator Squad, 3rd Company. Another BA/SM kit bash :)



Small update - glued Sergeant Reznik together (minus the banner, might add it back later). Also put together Aethon (Heavy Flamer) & Vared (Meltagun) not stuck on the guns or backpacks yet to make it easier to paint... & got a bunch more guys mocked up.... Also I will be magnetizing Vared & Rezniks weapons to ame multiple options




Also I need names for another 15 or so marines, anyone got some suggestions?

Hey guys, having a break from building the marines this evening as some Venerable Dreadnought Sarcophagus parts came in the post & I wanted to get started mocking up my Furioso Dread - Ancient Delvarus. Basically I wanted him to look a bit like the older mark IV Dread in FW Badab book 1:




Now just a note that the Venerable Dread Sarcophagus does not fit on the BA dread parts with out some serious trimming... As you can see below:




Anyway after plenty of hacking, I managed to dry fit all of the parts of its torso including the magna grapple. However, I think the grapple clamps themselves are a little too low, so I will have to raise it with some plasticard, plus add some armour on the from to cover the honour scrolls & text. Of course fill any gaps too:




What do you guys think?

  • 2 weeks later...

So work on my lamenters has been slow & steady, got 7 of my 10 man tac squad glued together as you can see below (sorry for the continued poor picture quality, my lap top is buggered so having to use my phone)




Also I really wasn't happy with my Captain's head, it didn't look grizzled enough for someone who takes part in boarding actions. So I picked up a FW Salamander's firedrake bear head off eBay & here's Goriel's "face lift" :D




(i need to fill the gap round his neck & fix the armour from when I dug out the old head)


Also getting further distracted from my tac squad, I got Tyberos' body & head off my mate Kai & you can see below what will become of these parts.


First of all a test fit of a FW Night lords Terror squad head on Tyberos' body for a terminator chaplain (his arms are in the post). Needs a bit of fixing, as 1 leg is blue-taced on.




Next is a mock up of Terminator Sergeant - Venatus with Tyberos' head. Will add some more "mkV' style rivets to tie in with the helmet.




Speaking of rivets, I got a bunch from Zinge Industries including some cool count as boarding shields & magnets.




More updates soon :)

Wow, your Lamenters are looking really promising Vlâdvar. Some of my favourites are Sergeant Karos (I like the mix of bitz), your Dread (I can tell it's gonna be sweet once done) but most of all that WIP Termi Chaplain.

That NL Terror head just looks so cool, and it mixes so well with the heavy brutal look of Tyberos's armour.

If I might make a suggestion as to his arms and armament, I can picture him with a double-handed Crozius (maybe converted from GK Termi arms or Deathwing Halberd arms with added Crozius top) and the Deathwing Command Cape, I reckon he'd look great. :)

Cheers fella, yeah I'm really happy how my terminator chaplain is looking :) thanx for suggestions SanguiniusReborn, however I've already got the arms sorted out, they arrived today! Need to replace the hammer with a Crozius arcanum that I will make from a deathwing knight mace & gotta clean off any space wolf detail off the wolf guard storm bolters.




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