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Vlâd does Lamenters!? Badab Blog - Chaplain Vared + more!

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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posts, fear not I have done a fair bit and some of my army actually has some paint in them! I wanted to write a post. Last week, but I accidentally deleted all of my WIP shots (as well as my Slipknot gig pics :() and I still have no laptop. Anyways below are some pics of how my army is looking so far.


Group shot



Captain Goriel front & centre



Reclusiarch Lazarus



Close up of his Crozius (made from a BA sang guard axe with the blade trimmed down & wings carved out)



On the left is Chaplain Vared (his crozius isn't quite finished yet) & on the right we have former 8th Company Captain Boreas who is now part of the Death Company. Armed with "Vengeance Bringer" a relic generated for the Badab campaign at HATE club (he's made from various DC parts, FW Khârn the bloody's head & a scratch built axe).



More photos & close-ups to follow later ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the comments guys :)


Chaplain Vared is ready to have some gaps filled; complete with scratch built Crozius made from DA power mace arm (Terminator symbol replaces DA icon on wrist for the Rosarius), GK force staff shaft & skull & plastic card wings.



Rear view with modified back pack.



Tactical Squad Gideon ready for paint



As is The Blackened - Death Company Squad.



& lastly Devastator Squad Karos.



Here is shot of 3rd Company so far, I'm building faster than I can paint!



Only a couple more characters to build - Librarian Epistolary Tarkis & Calix Priest Choraen (Sang Priest). Then I will move on to the vehicles for the next stage of the Badab Campaign. Of course I really need to paint the guys & make 30+ "space hulk" bases first!


Speaking of the Campaign, I'm doing pretty well, 3 wins & a draw... All Zone Mortalis missions, including a 3000pt a-side boarding action. Till next time...


...oh by the way I'm loving the new ad mech minis & rules so don't be surprised to see something with those sometime in the future.


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