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Best HQ to use vs tau?


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In your experience what is the best HQ to use vs a tau army? I always find any die really quickly. Ive a love for the nurgle prince but with only a t5 and massed ignores cover he dies most commonly turn 2 (before he has done anything). And the nurgle bike lord and his unit can't withstand massed s5 guns!
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36 shots a squad melt away half followed by a 2nd squad of firewarriors. Also they have s5 guns so wound on 5's. The 2+ save for the prince? Often gets removed by marker lights and then hymp broadsides just tear him a new one
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You take a CS armor lord and 2-3 sorc to maxmize the power dice and the chances to get invisibility. How cool a model is, what maybe a shock to some, irrelevant to a units effectiveness.


Another option is to take a cheap naked HQ and try to win against tau by spaming msu units and flooding objectives with them. Could work if you manage to shame the tau player in to not using too many good units.

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Yeah, against Tau, IG and Eldar it's probably best not to take a DP because of their ubiquitous ignores cover abilities. Biker Lords and Sorcerers (of course un-Marked with a Spell Familiar) work very well, giving the Sorcerer Telepathy to roll for Invisibility is a must, however rolling on Biomancy for Endurance is nice too, especially if you put him in a unit of Spawn (T6, Eternal Warrior & FnP4+ which means they'll always be able to take their FnP).


I'd also suggest some Autocannon Havocs and/or Maulerfiends. DS Termicide units or Obliterators could work as well to distract, and if you have 3 Helbrutes take them as a Mayhem Pack for similar DS purposes. Tau can also get Interceptor too (as long as that unit has LoS, so maybe DS out of LoS of the Interceptor unit), but that also means one less weapon they can fire in their following turn.

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Yeah, against Tau, IG and Eldar it's probably best not to take a DP because of their ubiquitous ignores cover abilities. Biker Lords and Sorcerers (of course un-Marked with a Spell Familiar) work very well, giving the Sorcerer Telepathy to roll for Invisibility is a must, however rolling on Biomancy for Endurance is nice too, especially if you put him in a unit of Spawn (T6, Eternal Warrior & FnP4+ which means they'll always be able to take their FnP).


I'd also suggest some Autocannon Havocs and/or Maulerfiends. DS Termicide units or Obliterators could work as well to distract, and if you have 3 Helbrutes take them as a Mayhem Pack for similar DS purposes. Tau can also get Interceptor too (as long as that unit has LoS, so maybe DS out of LoS of the Interceptor unit), but that also means one less weapon they can fire in their following turn.


Some great ideas here - even against a Riptide spam (which seems to have become easier to play against this edition), you'll probably be putting up a good fight!

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