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Chaos Rapier alternative models


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With the release of IA 13, one of our best units without a doubt is the Chaos Rapier Weapons Battery and the lazer Rapier from the R&H army list.  Sadly the Forge world model is $50 dollars for one, and most chaos players will need between 3 to 12 rapier.  This thread is to proved ideas for alternative models and counts as. This is not a rule descions, only models. Here are my ideas so far


Mantic Forge Fathers Hailstorm Cannon


For $40 for three(and cheap shipping world wide or free for orders of $75),  This is a great bargain for a decent detailed models, on par for gw minis.  Its also comes with a squat(chaos squat any one?) and, is the perfect side.  All you need is crew, and a dreadnought base. Personally i dislike the barrels, but all those gargoyles heads from the chaos vehicle spruces will be a good chaotic replacement. 


Another option is to take WHFB ogre kingdoms, and weapons of choice, and make a giant chaos servitor.  Prices vary, and this idea could be use for any chaos war beasts. 

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I actually use 6 Forgeworld rapiers and 3 of these Mantic guns converted to be the same profile. They are almost identical once you convert them right, except that the Mantic one is barely taller. If you want, I can post pictures for comparison.

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I actually use 6 Forgeworld rapiers and 3 of these Mantic guns converted to be the same profile. They are almost identical once you convert them right, except that the Mantic one is barely taller. If you want, I can post pictures for comparison.

yes please, because I plan on buying the mantic version personally. 

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I've seen a memeber over on facebook group - The Horus heresy model & painting group, use these for his Heresy era Iron Warriors which look really cool.





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They are on my list if I decide to use more Rapiers as the PDC Gun Carriage is no longer available (first post in my blog has pictures with marine crew).


On a bonus I'm already plotting on using their Iron Ancestor for a up-to-date Exo Armour Suit for my Squat slaves as a Dread count as (very little work needed).

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The idea for Chaos Squats sounds awesome! I had a look at their Heat Cannon platform that could be a good count as for the Conversion Beamer or Ectoplasma Cannon. Also it looks like you can make a emplaced weapon with the sprue as well, maybe even a Quad Gun count as? I'll have to get myself some of them too!



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My buddy just gave me his two FW Rapiers, he never found room in his lists... he's had them for 2+ years.  However those Mantic guns look good for the Hades version, the Mantic Suture looks good for the conversion beamer variant but is unfortunately out of stock.  These two could be pretty easy to magnetize to switch out as needed.


But the Leadbelcher Ogre idea is pretty cool, that really speaks to my conversion bug... hard, one just needs wound markers to represent the crew and your all set.


Such a great find guys, and awesome ideas, thanks for sharing!

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Seeing that my current army build has three Rapiers, I can promise that I will be making a counts-as Chaos Rapier kit for my shop this spring/summer. I doubt my production methods and quality will let me do it as cheaply as 3 for $40, but I'll produce a very high quality kit at the best price I can manage. And mine will be very intentionally Chaos in their appearance, not just passable. It's going to be a busy summer.

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Oh, it will, all 3. Hades, Ecto, and Beamer; all will swap out on the same base, all three will be in the kit, and magnets will be included as it will be designed for them. This should be a reasonable build. It's not huge in size and the form is reasonably straight forward. The hardest part will be coming up with just how it will assemble to accommodate mould making and assembly; do it right and you can keep mould lines to a minimum and have the few bubbles that do form hidden away during assembly. I take my model design seriously, on several levels. :)

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I bought one of those heat cannon for this very reason, but I'm not buying any more. The Heat cannon is a resin add-on to the hailstorm kit, and the mold is censored.gif . All the complaints people have about finecast (bubbles, poor modllines, warped pieces, etc) are present in their hard resin. yucky.gif On the pictures on their site, it there is any section that looks like poor painting or bad lightning or picture angle, it isn't. It's a flaw in the censored.gif mold/model. Unless the out of stock is because they are redoing the mold, I do not recommend purchase. The base Halestorm is fine, as you see in Lagrath's purchases, but not the heat cannon upgrade.
down.gif down.gif down.gif

Personally, I'm now holding out for Subtle Discord's set.

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I bought one of those heat cannon for this very reason, but I'm not buying any more. The Heat cannon is a resin add-on to the hailstorm kit, and the mold is censored.gif . All the complaints people have about finecast (bubbles, poor modllines, warped pieces, etc) are present in their hard resin. yucky.gif On the pictures on their site, it there is any section that looks like poor painting or bad lightning or picture angle, it isn't. It's a flaw in the censored.gif mold/model. Unless the out of stock is because they are redoing the mold, I do not recommend purchase. The base Halestorm is fine, as you see in Lagrath's purchases, but not the heat cannon upgrade.

down.gif down.gif down.gif

Personally, I'm now holding out for Subtle Discord's set.

Restic often has these issues, - it's always workable, and you pay for what you get.

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