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Lord of War are starting to become a popular choices for your armies, and your opponents, even in smaller non apoc games.  With IA 13 release, we got access to a lot of options.  Here is a thread to discuss our opinion on our chaos LOW choices, and the most cost effective way to destroy our opponents LOW.  Also feel free to include Imperial knights because they are a popular choice.  Please be civil. 

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My current local league is playing at 2250, with 0-1 Knights allowed.  Every. Single. Army.  I have fought includes the Knight.  Mine has one too.


In my experience, they have largely neutralized each other in every game.  I still fear to leave home without mine. 


It's starting to become boring -- like a 380ish point tax on every list.

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My current local league is playing at 2250, with 0-1 Knights allowed.  Every. Single. Army.  I have fought includes the Knight.  Mine has one too.


In my experience, they have largely neutralized each other in every game.  I still fear to leave home without mine. 


It's starting to become boring -- like a 380ish point tax on every list.


Then be original and spend 200pts on stuff to kill a knight, and 80pts on something else.

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My current local league is playing at 2250, with 0-1 Knights allowed.  Every. Single. Army.  I have fought includes the Knight.  Mine has one too.


In my experience, they have largely neutralized each other in every game.  I still fear to leave home without mine. 


It's starting to become boring -- like a 380ish point tax on every list.


Then be original and spend 200pts on stuff to kill a knight, and 80pts on something else.



Other than Khârn, I'm not sure what I can take at under 200 points that will reliably kill a Knight.

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Brass Scorpion every time. You just have to make sure to protect the squishy rear from drop pods full of meltaguns. Point for point, I think they're the killiest single model we have access to. If anything, it can be an issue because they tend to win combats on your turn and are thus generally vulnerable to shooting.



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I recently narrowly missed taking first place at an 1850 tournament due to a very close loss versus a guy who ran 3 knights in the adamantium lance formation (re roll failed invul saves) with 3 dakka flyrants. My list was also strong, but those two units are so strong that when you have a round like that with some bad rolls versus the knights in the first two turns, it's almost impossible to win.


Currently in my 1850 unbound list I run 4 lasher tendrils Maulerfiends and 3 rapier laser destroyer batteries to tackle knights, and it gives me at least a good shot.


However, what I plan on doing in my bound list is taking 40 plague zombies and sticking Zhufor in there (4 attacks with a strong 10 powerfist and high WS, plus rage and counter attack...will just have to hope for no 6's on the stomp table...)

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