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New kits


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As a long term BA player I have not assembled/painted any new blood angel marines since long before the release of the new vanguard vets, sternguard vets and our own new tacticals.


I am currently working on some new tacticals to modernise my army and make my force look more cohesive with my current painting style!


All I can say is I am blown away with these newer marine kits! The crisp clean lines and detail make them amazing models to work with. I have a bits collection that stretches back some 8-9 years I could probably assemble an entire company if I wanted to without buying any new models. I doubt I will ever use most of these bits though as the new stuff is so good I could not imagine ever going back to the old stuff!


Assembley is a breeze, there is hardly any flashing or clean up work required so that alone saves heaps of time . although I didn't find the true magic until I started painting. Any parts from the latest kits are just so cleanly cut you can really tell the difference when you are painting. The washes flow into the details better, you have less leakage if you apply to much! Also the when highlighting or working around the edges of other colours, I found I was getting paint in the wrong spot far less often.


I think because of the sharper more defined edges the paint is far more likely to go where you want it to! This has increased my confidence and sped up the whole process for me. The paint job looks better to! I actually feel like a better painter even though I havnt really improved!


If you havnt tried these new bits out give it a go!

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I've only had the new Tact box, but I really liked the bitz in there.

But some of the parts don't line up with older stuff (chest/back pieces have the peg/slots reversed), so definately dry fit first

I noticed that to!


You can cut the pegs of and position them yourself though

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I've only had the new Tact box, but I really liked the bitz in there.

But some of the parts don't line up with older stuff (chest/back pieces have the peg/slots reversed), so definately dry fit first

The pauldrons from the new assault terminator box are slightly different size too. I picked up one of those boxes to mix with the tac terminators from Deathstorm and make 5 THSS and 5 LC guys. It's not so bad it doesn't work but they are noticeably different.

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Haven't tested my chests and backs, but they've been switched around in the past... I think the BT kit was made to fit the 1st generation modular tac marines, and thus have chest pieces that don't match the current tac squad... Still, it's such a minor issue that it can be ignored pretty easily...
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yeah, either chop off the pegs or just keep the chest/backs from this set seperate.


Also of note are the hands holding various weapons, in particular the ones that end at the wrist. They don't seem to match with other kits (can't remember why off hand. Might have been a hand switch, left to right)

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Going to be building some of mine tonight along with combining the parts with a fair few leg/torso marines I have that are a mix of tactical/ assault and black templar parts, I think with some BA flavor too i'm gonna have some killer dudes!

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I am in the same position and have been hoarding bits.


Getting the death company and teminator sprues in the same box just goes to show what a difference 10 years makes in the model making business. The DC sprues are rammed, while there are massive gaps in the terminator ones, and the tactical squad is amazing.

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The only problems I've had is the silly decision GW mad to sculpt the head into the chest piece on the new Terminator kits.
Also, the front chest plates from the regular termie kit  don't quite fit onto the backs of the new Terminator kit, leaving a visible gap where the two pieces meet at the shoulder. 

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The only problems I've had is the silly decision GW mad to sculpt the head into the chest piece on the new Terminator kits.

Also, the front chest plates from the regular termie kit  don't quite fit onto the backs of the new Terminator kit, leaving a visible gap where the two pieces meet at the shoulder. 


Really? I've had no such problems.


I managed to get Karlaen's front plate onto the plain termie serge rear torso with just a little cutting.

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The only problems I've had is the silly decision GW mad to sculpt the head into the chest piece on the new Terminator kits.

Also, the front chest plates from the regular termie kit  don't quite fit onto the backs of the new Terminator kit, leaving a visible gap where the two pieces meet at the shoulder. 


Really? I've had no such problems.


I managed to get Karlaen's front plate onto the plain termie serge rear torso with just a little cutting.



The problem I had was the other way round, fitting the old front chest onto the newer rear torso. 

Might just be me though. :P

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There's a lot to like about the newer plastic kits, both BA and vanilla, a hell of lot: range of armour marks, pretty much every special weapon option represented, grenades that pair both frag and krak (!), hand holding the ammo clip, a range of cool banner toppers (that I use for anything but their intended purpose), combi weapons etc.

However, it's not all good. For some reason they still insist on nonsensical sprue connection points. Back in the day back packs used to be attached at their top and bottom, but for a while now they've been connected by the vent ports meaning any slight screw up extracting them from the sprue leaves with a cruved surface to fix. Some of the ones in the BA tactical kit have the little gems attached to the sprue and are a real pain to try and remove without inflicting damage. There's also an overabundance of scroll work and purity seals with many of the newer models which, combined with other extra details, can just make them look too busy. Give me a bucket load of loose purity seals and I'll attach them myself if I feel a need (and they'll be positioned more sensibly). Oh and I really, really, really dislike a few of the new BA shoulder pad designs. eg: http://www.bitzbox.co.uk/product_info.php/blood-angels-tactical-squad-shoulder-pad-p-11567

They're a bit 'yo dawg, I heard you like wings' + unnecessary purity seal.

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Well you are an excellent painter, I generally like the bling to hide my amateurish work behind multiple visual distractions - seriously, you are right though there is a lot of detail that would have been better if it were optional but generally I 'm enjoying what we have gained recently.  I'm disappointed that the new termies aren't as customisable as one could have hoped for but I was only planning on getting one box anyway so I'll probably not mind the reduction in modelling options due to the head/body combination.

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The only problems I've had is the silly decision GW mad to sculpt the head into the chest piece on the new Terminator kits.

Also, the front chest plates from the regular termie kit  don't quite fit onto the backs of the new Terminator kit, leaving a visible gap where the two pieces meet at the shoulder.



Really? I've had no such problems.


I managed to get Karlaen's front plate onto the plain termie serge rear torso with just a little cutting.


The problem I had was the other way round, fitting the old front chest onto the newer rear torso. 

Might just be me though. :P

No, I found the same problem. I just decided it wasn't worth the hassle to rectify but it could be done with some careful cutting.
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