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Emperor's Children and a return after 20 years


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So I was really into 40k in the late 80's and very early 90's and at the prompting of my son I've decided to get back into the hobby and dust off my old gear.  


Back in the day I was running lots of Harlequins, playing the first ed of space hulk and collecting lots of chunks of metal.  I figured I might eBay some of the more desirable stuff I have from then (all the squats spring to mind), and invest the proceeds into building an army of something new that we can do together.  (My son is keeping all the LoD figs and about 30 metal Terminators) 


I read on the forum that Harlequins are making a comeback so I might suggest he keeps those as I recall them being quite fun to play with. 


Having looked into things we decided to build an EC army, mainly because I liked the idea of noise marines and I quite like pink n purple.  Are there any decent painting tutorials out there for them, the few I've seen I'm not wild about.  


Also what type of make up for the squads should I be looking at?  



cheers for any advice!

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Google 'how to paint Emperor's Children' and you will be bombarded with a plethora of results smile.png

Just pick and choose what you want. Dark & Brooding, brightly coloured or battle damaged etc

As for the overall question - what do YOU want to do?

Are you just wanting to collect dank minis and slobber over them on your shelf? Or do you want to play tabletop (with your son I imagine)?

If you want to just collect go with what looks good. If you want to play I'd start making a basic list. If you check out the EC subforums for potential army lists, I'd recommend going for a 1,000 point army and learning from there. If you can do 1k fine branch out smile.png

I'd recommend specifically:

1) The GW Chaos Starter Kits - There's a limited edition Chaos bundle which iirc is a Land Raider, Terminators and some Chaos Marines. You've also got the standard old Battalion Box containing a Rhino, Tacticals and some Possessed. All of these boxes will provide you with a solid army core to build around.

2) As cool as Noise Marines are, you won't just have em. You'll need that core of Chaos Marines (painted sexy purple ofc) and so on.

3) GW has Noise Marine models BUT check out forgeworld for super special sexy models. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy/Legiones_Astartes/Emperors_Children?filter_reset=1

4) Be aware 30k models are more expensive and have their own rules, but they can be used quite handily as characters in 40k so mix and match, go wild!

Good luck and be sure to post some progress piccies biggrin.png

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Thanks for the info, getting him into playing tabletop is the plan, I guess really knowing what to bring to a game would help, I've not played 40k since about 1991, and so really it's a start from the beginning again, because I am sure anything I thought I knew is long useless with new rules.


I checked out the forgeworld EC's and for sure will hook up a squad or two of the noise marines they are pretty sweet models.


Also I've been reading about this rule where you can bring two different factions to a game is this true?  And it seems pretty much you could bring any, so in theory one could use the Harlequins with EC;'s or am I missing the point somewhat?

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For a Chaos Army, it's hard to go wrong with buying Dark Vengance as a starting point, with a bit of work to remove the most blatant insignia and a couple of packs of Chaos Backpacks, you can convert the entire box set into Chaos versions. If you check my WIP thread for the Quintos, you can see some ideas of what can be achieved.


Once you've got the initial models sorted, Noise Marines would be a good bet, though they're expensive whether you go for GW weapons on a CSM squad or buying the sexier Forge World options, each 10 man squad comes in around £40.

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Its a good time to start up Chaos as rumours of new Plastic Cult sets are circulating, the newer plastic sets give alot of options to customise and normally are better quality for money.


Also yes you can go Unbound now which means take what ever you want from whatever army you want.

I mean if you want to ally with Filthy Xenos that is fine but id point out that Eldar (Harlequins) and Slaanesh have a Love Hate relations ship, as in Slaanesh loves to eat the Souls of the Eldar and they hate it.

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First up, you have taste going for the EC. But, don't limit yourself to the GW colours. Slaanesh is their patron after all so go for the look you want. Also, take a look in the CHAOS MARINE RESOURCES thread. You'll find a fair few EC threads through there.


On the topic of Noise Marines, don't buy the GW Sonic Weapon packs. General consensus is that the "many small unit" (MSU) tactics of 5 marines with a blastmaster works best with them. So unless you plan to spread them around into other squads, I wouldn't go for the Forgeworld Kakophoni squad. This actually has very different rules to Noise Marines.


However...if it's a great looking army that you're after then throw all that out the window. Get a Kakophoni squad because they are amazing to paint.

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Thanks to all,  much to mull over, I think as a first step I'll dust off the brushes and paint up a few squads.  I found all my old inks to be fine though the paints are of course dry as a bone.  Looks like it's going to be an expensive month stocking up on the basics!  


I assume there is no issue with using the old style Land Raiders is there? Seems better to re-paint the ones I had then buy news ones, same goes for converting the Rhinos - I cannot believe how much they cost now, I recall the first ones I bought were in packs of three for about £15!

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Vallejo Model Colour and the metallics in the Model Air ranges are excellent. I do recommend adding agitators to the bottles to help mix. Especially if they've been on the shelf for a while too.


Coat D'Arms made the old 80's paints for GW so they are similar. Apparently P3 get their paint from the same place too.


One company worth a look is Scale Colour who's original range had a very matte finish but they've recently released a fantasy range which give more of a satin finish. They also sell there paints in sets with instruction booklets too (flesh, blues, reds, etc).


And never say you're sorry for asking questions about any part of the hobby. It's why we're all here after all :tu:

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